plz help in project{khan}

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New Member
hello every one i m haidar ali khan and i m new at this forum.i m doing BS electronics it is my third semester i need help about my project of final term regarded to DLD and Electric machine plz any who can give me an idea about .i dont have any idea about what to make and how to make plzzzzzzzzzzz help me its my initial projectttt i m realy confused about it

i will be waiting for ur respenc plz kindly give me positive responce

I can make the project for you and you don't have to do anything. Which project do you want?
I can make the project for you and you don't have to do anything. Which project do you want?

dear brother i dont knw which one r what shuld i make but plz u advise me looking to my abality .we are told by our teacher that every individul have to make a unique project dear i m realy confuseddddddd??? plz help me i will be thankful
Hello Haidar Ali Khan,

Please be aware that we see many requests (sometimes demands) by useless idle students who want the work done for them!
That is not going to happen on this board.

However, you appear to be looking for ideas rather than wanting the project done for you, but you must give us a bit more information not just "DLD and Electric machine" which means nothing to us here.

One bit of advice, cut the cool stylised "text speak".
If you are going into engineering, precise communication is vital.
Use clear standard English words, we realise that English is probably not your first language, but expressions such as :

i m realy confuseddddddd

plzzzzzzzzzzz help me its my initial projectttt

plzzzzzzzzzz helpppp
just look silly and childish.

dear jim plz kindly explian the couted paragraph i didnt get it.
respected jim i want to make a small project but somting unique even my knowledge about the feild is not too much but if any one try to keep me up so i knw i can make plz help me and what kind of information u want???
Perhaps you can find someone who understands English better to help you write what you want, since we don't really understand you.

I think what you really mean is:

Also, the use of expressions such as "Dear Jim" and "Respected Jim" in a forum such as this are just annoying and sycophantic (look it up in a dictionary). I know this is a cultural difference, but I and many others in the West do not like it.

Perhaps you could give a few examples of what kind of projects some of the other students are building, and we might get some idea of the type and level of projects you are looking for. I don't know what DLD stands for, so I'm confused too. Also, since your project must be unique, and none of are in your class, how are we going to know what is already being done. Certainly not everybody in your class, is having the same problem getting started.

Hint: The more detailed the information you provide, the better quality you'll get in response. Most people won't spend much time guessing at what you might find useful, you have to give us something to work from. Most of the people who come here with a circuit that doesn't work, can usually get the problem fixed in days (sometimes minutes). Basically you get out, what you put into it, as you have see so far.
dear jim;

dear jim i got what i was confused about i m sorry for that i was using wrong spelling but it is usual on internet but still i got it i wasn't aware about it. i want to make a switch which can be one/off with my voice
voic on/off

dear friend DLD stand for digital logic design and i want to make such switch which can be on/off with my voice
To make a sound controlled switch isn't very diffucult. About 2 years ago I bought such kit. Unfortantly it activted with any sound and not only voice.

It was a basic circuit with a 741 opamp, which enegized a relay.

This is probalby not what you want.
To make it activate only with voive and certain words would be more diffucult.

Read this, it should be helpfull. It uses a ic called HM2007.
How to Build a Speech Recognition Circuit Page 1
khan, if all you need is a simple sound controlled switch, here is a useful can be used to switch on and off any appliance by a clap.

however, if you need something more complex, such as voice controlled switching, refer to the link by number17.



  • clap switch.pdf
    57.4 KB · Views: 178

thanks brother i got it
for your project one idea is to make a digital volume controller by using logic ICs and some switching ICs
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