Poultry lights

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I have a friend who has asked me about running more efficient lights for the sheds as the chooks need light for growth.He is currently running incandesent
lights with dimmers as to reduce/increase as the birds grow.I immediately thought maybe LEDS. Just wondering if anybody had any experience with this

For raising broiler chickens from day old chicks to about 6 weeks [1.5 to 2Kg] the light must always be ON..
We used 40Watt white tungsten, so any light level of the same magnitude would be OK as long as they can see to eat.
If the chicks are raised with a light on all the time, DONT let the light go out, else they panic and you find them in a dead sufficated heap in the corner of the chicken house.
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He has been growing birds for a few years now but with the ever increasing electricity costs he is looking for alternatives he looked at compact fluros but they flicker when dimmed? and send birds nuts apparently.Leds would be good as cheaper to run but more expensive to buy .Apparently they dimm the lights as the bird grows i only know what he tells me appart from they stink i know that

hi bee,
Almost anything seems to send broilers nuts, a loud bang and some will go belly up.
If he has high ammonia levels [ the stinky] he should improve the ventilation, they need oxygen to maximise their growth rate.
Has he considered white LED lighting just near the 'drinkers' also paint the insides of the shed walls with lime wash, keeps the nasties down and improves the 'utilisation' factor of the lighting.
Hi Eric
Thanks for the advice i will pass it on to my farmer friend .Just searching to see if anybody had completly converted their sheds to led lighting maybe there is a problem with light output from leds in the roof of sheds.Could also cost to much to convert over.He asked me and i was interested in this project
Oh, lights inside a chicken farm to increase the eyesight of birds so that they can see well the food?
I thought that the heat of incandescent lamp speed up the growth rate.
Then y don't try a 5-11W CFL lamps? What kind of birds u have.
They use heaters/coolers to control the temp of the birds.They also dimm/increase the light as the bird grows and the CFL lamps dont dimm to well .The birds are for food not sure of type of chickens as it is not my farm.From what i have seen the lights are about six foot or so above them.
They use heaters/coolers to control the temp of the birds.They also dimm/increase the light as the bird grows and the CFL lamps dont dimm to well.

You can't use normal dimmers, you need special ones, and may need special CFL's as well.

Assuming it's a big shed, and has plenty of lights - simply turn some of them off to dim the overall lighting level.
I agree with Nigel.

If the lights are on all the time you may want to use 2 or more circuits. I would use 3 and have at least 2 on all the time. That way if one tripped you would still have some light.
The farm has 60K of birds over three sheds so there is a few lights.I will find out a bit more info as this could be a interesting project.Thanks for all your input i will think about this a bit more.
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