Power From Car Battery

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Go on any of the big name manufacturers sites and do a search for their automotive sections.
Like National Semi: **broken link removed**
Hmm . I didn't use any zener, fuse, series resistors for my automotive applications. But still my PIC controlled Digital TACHO ( which is running for over 5 years now), 3rd break light, PIC Controlled LED UNDER CAR lightings are working fine without a problem. And I used 7805 with 100uf and 0.1uf cap for all of above mentioned projects.

Good Luck Atom.
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hi atom,
In the UK you would get problems with the police with that project.

Ya, blue is for snow removal vehicles here in my part of the world. We get all sorts of hassles about that here. Even headlights with too much blue tint.
Yes, it's almost certainly illegal in most countries and probably is in the US - just don't get caught!
I've been taking apart automotive electronics for years and I've seen 7805's in quite a few automotive "modules". I'm going to look at some of the old spares I keep around and see what else they have in conjunction with the 7805 to see if they're taking special precautions.
Heh yeah its not legal here either.. .the most is a ticket. Its not my car tho. It was a job for a friend. Charged him $40. Hes like family. Now he has 3 customers lined up for it and im charging $150 each. Custom sequences too (4 included)... $20 each extra sequence.

It uses a CAR phone charger heh to supply power...
I would tell them not to drive around with those on, it would be seen by police as something like 'impersonating' the police car. People would probably start pulling off to side of road when they drive with those on!
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