Power Laser based Glass Breaker Gun

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New Member
I want to build a laser based gun for breaking glass of 2 mm thickness from a distance of around 10 meters. Is it possible ?

vik1501 said:
I want to build a laser based gun for breaking glass of 2 mm thickness from a distance of around 10 meters. Is it possible ?


Probably need too much power to make this practical. The thing is, glass allows light (visible and IR-UV) to pass through relatively easy and so not much power is dissipated in the glass itself.

IF you had such a laser, it would likely need to have so much optical power output that the scattering of the laser as it hit the glass would be dangerous.
Not likely, unless you work for the military. A BB gun will make a nice little cone-shaped hole. :wink:
To cut something like 2 mm of glass is gonna need something like 10k watt carbon trioxide laser, most definetly something not to be done at home.
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