Yes, I'm aware of that, in fact I specifically stated that ground and neutral were tied together at the breaker panel, and in many cases they're probably tied together at the poles as well, they can also in some cases be tied to local plumbing connection, and even additional grounding rods near the house if someone has some odd specific grounding issues locally.ronsimpson said:Neutral and ground are connected together millions of times, at many places.
This has nothing whatsoever to do with the fact that then neutral line in a power system is VERY different from the saftey ground at the point a device uses them and why the safety ground exist in the first place. If they 'were the same' then the ground line wouldn't need to exist in the first place.
If neutral and ground were the same GFCI's wouldn't work.
Using a proper ground in a neutral system a device can actually sense the total circuit load on an outlet it's plugged and sense for error conditions.
It also eliminates the issues of long neutral runs in large houses or industrial conditions where even with the proper gauge wire there's still a decent amount of voltage drop, with that unloaded (to panel) ground a truly low potential point is available.