Power spike control

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New Member
I have built a wind turbine that charges a 12v battery. I have a battery regulator/voltage controler that switches, via a relay, the turbine output to another load when the battery is fully charged.(to dump power as the turbine always needs to be under load). This takes place at 14v. The battery is connected directly to an inverter that changes the 12v DC to 240v AC.
My problem is that whenever the inverter comes on with a 240v load on it, the voltage regulator also switches on to the dump load even if the battery is not fully charged. This only happens when a load is put on the inverter.
I think it must be some sort of surge that triggers the electronic switching in the voltage regulator. The regulator is homebuilt using OPAMPS LM1458 and relays.
Any ideas on how to solve this problem would be appreciated
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