right !
I got some value for debug ;
By using the refenrece in the drawing on easy EDA (see attached) with a led as load (~20mA) :
- Vbat @3.1V - VCC = 3.07V - Vfb = 0.554 V ; i =26mA
- Vbat @3.0V - VCC = 2.97V - Vfb = 0.541 V ; i = 16mA
- Vbat @2.8V - VCC = 2.81V - Vfb = 0.510 V; i = 4mA
- Vbat @2.5V - VCC = 2.57V - Vfb = 0.464 V; i =? (led is on-ish..)
- Vbat @2.3V - VCC = 2.57V - Vfb = 0.465 V; i =? (led is on-ish..)
- Vbat @2.0V - VCC = 2.57V - Vfb = 0.467 V; i =? (led is on-ish..)
AND, without a load, evrything fine..
- Vbat @3.0V - VCC = 3.320V - Vfb = 0.805 V;
- Vbat @2.5V - VCC = 3.321V - Vfb = ;
- Vbat @1.7V - VCC = 3.321V - Vfb = ;
Magic Smoke ; I kill it while probing Vfeedback, i'm soldering a new one.
Is the compound resistor the issue ? Like RFBT + Rload = Some wierd value ?