programming attiny 13A microcontroller

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Hai... all
I'm using AVR Dragon with AVR studio 4 and an ATTiny13A microprocessor.
I am using ISP mode.

The AVR studio, program is working fine when 4 MHz crystal oscillator was connected to it.

When I try to change the crystal to 20 MHz or 16 MHz, it is saying “a problem is occurred while executing the command, please make sure you are using correct programming method”.

I am sending the screen shot of it.

ISP mode, frequency was 6.48 kHz and it was OK.
When I click, “read signature”, this error is appearing.

Could you please suggest something…


  • sc.png
    202.7 KB · Views: 330
I believe your crystals are not working properly. Upload a program that blinks a LED on one of the ports and try if the LED still blinks with 20 Mhz or 16 Mhz crystals. If you have an oscilloscope, try to measure the crystal signal.. should be a sine-wave.
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