programming questions...

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New Member
hei guys, im now working with our school project here and had some difficulty in executing what i want this project to perform.. hmm please help me executing the flow chart attached here ...

hmmm ill be using an a/d converter here for my input y and z...

my question here is what kind of MCU is the most appropriate to use for this...

im just a newbie in programming XP ...

thank guys !))


  • Pic. partial flow chart.jpg
    33.3 KB · Views: 283
I would not suggest to you 8051. I would use a microcontroller with internal ADC (AVRs and PICs are as cheap as 8051 UC based). ATMega Series are suitable for you. If you can program in C, try using CodeVision (This enviroment has a Wizard for you to initialize everething you will use, its pretty easy to use).

Good luck;
I would buy this. **broken link removed**

It's a programmer. Debugger all in one and it comes with a free PCB with a micro already on it. It should be able to do what you want on it. Download HIgh Tech C lite compiler.(it's free) Goodluck!

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