Suddenly I think of one thing - the strike voltage itself at 28°C might be changing as well - among different devices or even devices of the same type.
Did I interpret the graph correctly?
Graphs of this kind may carry much more information I believe, but sometimes for learners it might be confusing too, such as the semilog plots, until now I still don't quite understand what its power or value really is, or why they have such power. However, I think it's just a matter of time, I will ultimately get a better understanding - hopefully : )
Did I interpret the graph correctly?
Graphs of this kind may carry much more information I believe, but sometimes for learners it might be confusing too, such as the semilog plots, until now I still don't quite understand what its power or value really is, or why they have such power. However, I think it's just a matter of time, I will ultimately get a better understanding - hopefully : )