proplem in my litte project

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New Member
plz I need circuit ADC0808 connected with 8051 with LM35 and I need the program cod in assimbly if u can?
This is your first post here, and you come on here whining for someone else to do some work for you, when you haven't even introduced yourself or gotten to know the members of this board? Do you think we are your slave labor or something? You could at least offer to pay for the design and coding!

i relay don't knew about this.....but my doctor give me this design as home work and I don't know anything plz help me and this is the first time even in my age I wrot in site
What do you know? Have you learned analog and digital circuits? Do you know any programming?
Start by downloading the data sheets for the ADC0808, 8051, and LM35.

Help us help you.

I think your doctor expects you to do your own work. If we give you the design and code, then that would be cheating.
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