I forgot that the datasheet for the LM3915 shows a vibration meter circuit and a piezo transducer feeding a 1M resistor that works fine with the lM3915. Also, the LM3915 does not become damaged by negative inputs like the LM358 opamp. Then is the opamp needed anymore?
Hi audioguru,
Let me explain the development of this story. From other projects I had already made I knew how the LM358 works more or less and therefore I started with the LM358. Then I want to implement the optical messaging about vibration remembered that I had done already somthing with the LM3914 chip. OK. as searching for the datasheet of the LM3914 again I saw that there also exist the LM3915 as well as the LM3916. So I started to read the datasheet of the LM3915 and suddenly I do see the vibration meter circuit.
So I went to buy some LM3915 in order to experiment.
Now after having this interesting conversation with all of you here I have to decide which way I go.
The circuit with the LM358 gives me a linear output and applied to a LM3914 would give me a linear messaging of the LEDs on the output.
The output of the LM3915 is Logarithmic output instead and so I see a problem that if my vibration signal is very low I would not get that much info as I would get with the LM358 and the optical signal at the output of the LM3914.
Having now circuits I will analyze the best output and go then for that one.