RC-5 Philips IR Protocol Generation and Transmission

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Hey Pals,
My aim is to control TV (RC5 compatible) using microcontroller 89C61X2....
I tried...

1. Generating Code using Controller and carrier of 36 KHz using IC 555. I could generate the theoretical waveform but TV is not responding.

2. when I saw remote Control waveforms on DSO.. i couldnt see the carrier.. why ? how could it be possible.

3. I studied the IC PCA8521.. but couldnt really understand.. how command and device selection is done..

Is there any other way I can do it.... any IC or ckt.... PLZ help me GUYS....
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Hey Pals,
My aim is to control TV (RC5 compatible) using microcontroller 89C61X2....
I tried...

1. Generating Code using Controller and carrier of 36 KHz using IC 555. I could generate the theoretical waveform but TV is not responding.

You don't need a 555, simply generate the 36KHz directly in the processor, it's VERY simple to do, and more accurate.

I can't help you with your processor, but there's PIC examples for Sony SIRC's in my tutorials (which you might find helpful regardless), and it's just as easy to transmit RC5 (or RC6 which I've done a number of times as well).

2. when I saw remote Control waveforms on DSO.. i couldnt see the carrier.. why ? how could it be possible.

Because it's not something you need to see, the remote control signals usually shown are what is output from the receiver IC, with the modulation stripped off.
Thank you Sir for your help, We did get a rough idea of implementing RC5 Tx using PIC...
But Sir.. the Infrared Control part is one part of our project...
So we cannot afford to change the controller.....
Is there any IC that I can interface with Microcontroller n control Television(RC5)...
I found one PCA8521 from philips.... But I cant understand from application note is how Device and Command are selected....
Is there any other IC... plz Help
Thank you Sir for your help, We did get a rough idea of implementing RC5 Tx using PIC...

I didn't suggest yoiu change your processor, merely that you write the software to do the job - while my examples are for PIC, there's enough information there for you to see how it's done.
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