really I need your help in my project

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I do not have any experience in making electronic circuits, so I need to see your ranking for this circuit:
is it good enough to become my first project or I should find an easier one ?!

I mean by "good enough" that I can do it with just a little help from my instructor or via reading without needing to go deep!!
If you're a student doing electronic circuits, what level are you? If you don't understand the decade counter, do something much simpler... Its not the BEST design contest! A project is based on seeing a project ( be it a simple LED circuit ) from start to finish with the relevant documentation.. The points are awarded on YOUR understanding... Years ago one of my projects was a simple IR transmitter/receiver dead simple, but received excellent marks.... Another student tried ( and failed ) to make a robot hand.... well over his head... Get a book on digital electronics MOST will have a counter example and explain why it works...
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You may also want to get rid of the 555 timer and derive the clock from AC mains. It's not accurate over a period of say a few seconds but in most Western Countries is accurate over a 24 hour period.

You may hve to consider mains safety issues which may give you an advantage in the fact you have at least thought about it.
Exactly which part of the circuit don't you understand.?
I don't understand why there's an AND gate from Q0, Q2 of the units (both hours and minutes) feeding into the reset of a BCD counter and why the clock for subsequent digits isn't just taken from the MSb (Q3 or Q2) of the count output. Nor do I understand why 333R and 100R resistors are used to "limit current" into CMOS gates. Nor do I understand why S2 and S3 are connected in parallel. Wow, I obviously don't understand much.

If the circuit was simplified and the redundant components removed it might be simpler for the OP to understand what is actually happening. I'm not sure how much he'd learn if this was done for him however...
You'll have to ask your instructor if the project is acceptable. It is certainly easy enough without requiring much deep thought or reading. In fact, the first-year electronic engineering students at my uni have just done this same project as an experiment on Thursday; most had no problems with it.

Really !!! It's the best news for today . basically I am a computer science and Info Technology student in my second year and I have to take a Digital Hardware course talk about the logic gates ,ICs,....etc. I have to submit a project related to what I studied at the end of the semester but because I obviously don't understand much in circuits or electronic, I tried to find the easiest one.

but now after all what I read , I really don't Know if my Choice was the right one??????
If the circuit was simplified and the redundant components removed it might be simpler for the OP to understand what is actually happening. I'm not sure how much he'd learn if this was done for him however...

Hi dougy,
I agree the circuit is a mess and needs correcting, but the OP didn't ask for any modifications.

What I was trying to determine which parts of the circuit he didn't understand, after all, this is college work and he should have some basic knowledge of digital circuits as part of his course.

I wasn't prepared to initially explain the circuit in detail from left to right, together with its errors. I would expect some input first from the OP in an attempt to explain the circuit.

What I was trying to determine which parts of the circuit he didn't understand, after all, this is college work and he should have some basic knowledge of digital circuits as part of his course.
I'm well aware the question wasn't for me; I was just pointing out unnecessary parts (and errors) in the circuit that could be adding to his confusion. It wasn't an attack on your approach if that's how you took it.

In the end, it's up to the OP to find out from his instructor what is actually required of him. If this circuit is of sufficient rigour, I don't mind removing the issues which will make it so much easier to understand.
In the end, it's up to the OP to find out from his instructor what is actually required of him. If this circuit is of sufficient rigour, I don't mind removing the issues which will make it so much easier to understand.

yeees please, I think that what I need,, make it simpler and much easier to understand While maintaining the basic parts because I feel it contains a lot of inputs and wires :\ .just as I said I am not too good in that and it will be my first circuit

and even if you think that my choice wasn't right , I can change it with another one which just can be a digital or logical project depend basically on gates and ICs and simpler or better for understanding ,,,

I am so sorry for all of that , but really I feel confuse . I want to do a good project but I feel that is very hard
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