Haha, OMG I think we have out wires crossed. Imagine this
I have a motor - no batteries are connected, but it does have a motor shield PCB connected. I roll my robot down hill, the motors will produce energy (it doesnt matter how many RPM - electrical energy will be produced). This electrical energy will go into my motor shield circuit and cause a problem, the manufacturer states I will need to get rid of this energy.
I want to get rid of this energy, I am not trying to produce it, it is a by-product of the motors rotating, so I want to send it back to a battery, I can't do that if the battery is disconnected due to a switch/fuse, and you are saying I can't do that anyway as I would have to produce > rating of the battery to get the energy into the battery. OK so they are all wrong then, will not the electrical energy build up until it's bigger than the 11v of the battery and eventually end up there ? Or what about if I stick a light bulb on the circuit, then that will get rid of this energy, as it sounds like every motor shield manufacturer I've looked at are wrong when they state you can do this with a battery and diode.