Ring buffer for serial port (Oshonsoft Basic).

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On this occasion I leave a buffer for serial port, it is of the ring buffer type.


'Tests with ring buffer and time bases.
'By COS, 02/2023, OshonSoft Pic Basic IDE v8.38
Define CONFIG = 0x2f70
Define CONFIG2 = 0x3ffc
Define CLOCK_FREQUENCY = 8  'Oscilador a 8Mhz
Define SIMULATION_WAITMS_VALUE = 1  'Activate for simulation.
Include "_FuncionesPic16F88.bas"
Include "_FuncionesTmrBase.bas"
Include "_FuncionesUartRingBuffer.bas"
ConfigPin PORTA = Output
ConfigPin PORTB = Output
'Configuration lcd ports. -------------------------------------
Define LCD_BITS = 4  'Data bus length to 4bits
Define LCD_DREG = PORTA  'Data bus: puerto A
Define LCD_DBIT = 0  'Least significant bit of the data bus.
Define LCD_RSREG = PORTB  'Rs control bit on port B
Define LCD_RSBIT = 7  'RS bit on RB7 pin.
Define LCD_EREG = PORTB  'E control bit on port B.
Define LCD_EBIT = 6  'E pin on RB6 pin
Define LCD_COMMANDUS = 2000  'Wait after each command in uSec.
Define LCD_DATAUS = 100  'Wait after sending a data to the LCD in uSec.
Define LCD_INITMS = 50  'Wait during display initialization in mSec.
    'Pin config
    ConfigPin RB0 = Output
    ConfigPin RA7 = Output
    'Assign names to the Leds
    Symbol LedGreen = RB0
    Symbol LedYellow = RA7
    'Port config
    Hseropen 9600
    Lcdinit  'Lcd withou cursor
    'Config Tmr1
    Call _setup_timer1(_tmr1_internal, _tmr1_div1)
    Call _set_timer1(0xf831)
    'Configures the wait if there is no data in buffer in mSec.
    Call _setuprbf(10)
    'Activates interrupts of the internal modules used.
    Call _enable_interrupts(_int_timer1)
    Call _enable_interrupts(_int_rda)
    Call _enable_interrupts(_global)

    Lcdout "Ready:"
    Hserout "Ready:", CrLf
    Call _bt0call(_btsetup, 0)    'In mSec 32bit
    Call _bt1call(_btsetup, 0)    'In mSec 16bit
    Call _bt2call(_btsetup, 0)    'In mSec 16bit
    Call _bt3call(_btsetup, 0)    'In mSec 16bit

    Call _pause(10)  'Delay affected little by interruptions (mSec).
    'Infinite loop
    While True
        'Flashing led
        If _bt1if Then  'Control Bt1
            Call _bt1call(_btsetup, 10)  'Reload Bt1
            Toggle LedYellow
        'If there is data in the buffer, extracts and sends to the serial port.
        If _buffer > 0 Then
            Call _receive()
            Hserout _receive
        'Displays the number of characters stored in the buffer.
        Lcdcmdout LcdLine2Home
        Lcdout "Buffer=", #_buffer, "  "

On Interrupt
Save System
    'Control time bases
    If _tmr1if = 1 Then
        Call _set_timer1(0xf831)  'Reload TMR1 registers to count 1mSec.
        Call _bt0call(_btupdated, _null)  'Update the BT0 (32bit counter), _Bt0If.
        Call _bt1call(_btupdated, _null)  'Update the time base 1 and flag _Bt1If.
        Call _bt2call(_btupdated, _null)  'Update the time base 2 and flag. _Bt2If.
        Call _bt3call(_btupdated, _null)  'Update the time base 3 and flag. _Bt3If.
        Call _btpausecall()  'Update the time base for _Pause(delay in mSec.)
    'Serial buffer control
    If _usartif = 1 Then
        Call _ringbuffer()  'Capture character in buffer.

To download the functions (Include "_FuncionesPic16F88.bas" and Include "_FuncionesTmrBase.bas"):



  • _FuncionesUartRingBuffer.bas
    3.6 KB · Views: 270
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