your mistake, not mine.
Thus with @Elrion 's new values
his calculated L should be
sqrt(sqr(17.5) - sqr(12.5)) / (2 * 3.1416 * 2370) =
0.82mH or about -18% low of nominal
I still think this method has problems
Use a highest f you have well below SRF (>1MHz) match R compute L then DCR error has less effect with large load R.
In this
post I showed from HP (Agilent) Impedance analyzer from part. It is very linear up to 1/10th SRF with high Q at resonance.
Measuring with a swept current source and precision log envelope detector is how Impedance analyzers work.
... or by Smith Chart in a VNA
..... or in a DMM using a current source sine wave at constant frequency
to derive quadrature voltage for R+jX(f) .
A current source is high impedance. ∞
The other preferred method is use a calibrated film cap C to resonate with L.
Ratch if you Please, make correction