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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

Sad statistic

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Slave Majority.

Slave majority. Keeping people buying products and paying a hefty interest.

There are people who live in the environment of money and have done for generations. Their assets and investments are based solely off the General publics emotions. They have it we want it.

So, we work and spend work and spend ? Has anyone ever understood why their is no real education in the public schools on product advertising and marketing, cupeled to consumer spending. No time is spent on saving and investing. It should be at the very core.

Those people who are (in the know and have money) they teach their offspring if you want to continue to live the life of luxury you need a healthy amount of slaves to do it. Slaves work and your money serves as a floating bank that sucks up all that the slaves will work to achieve not to forget that when a population of slaves die there is a renewed amount of slaves that will be born to them. Then they are taught all that is necessary is to provide it.

It's very necessary to keep that population of slave ignorant and in poverty or just above it. Even better is a median class of servants.

Keeping them at the feeding wheel dangle the preverbal carrot in front of them and they will toil till they die.

30 yrs ago. These are the common places to put your money.

Lending institutions.
1. Credit Cards.
2. Banks.
3. Quick loans.

1. Housing
2. Medical, Pharmaceutical.
3. Hard Goods. ( Appliances,cars,etc.)
4. Soft Goods ( Textiles.)
5. Food. Restaurants,Fast Food.
6. Transport of Goods.
7. Communications.
8. Entertainment.

Your correct Mike. Education is not (King) But, rather. What is supported in hollywood and elsewhere in media is a false Ideal of we have it you want it.

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Sad, but true. Sports or entertainment are the easy way out of hard work like science or math.
I somewhat disagree. A person often takes up a vocation that they feel most comfortable with... unless they are so hopelessly lazy that they end up stamping out widgets for minimum wage for the duration of their working years. If a person has an exceptional athletic or acting ability that is good enough to earn millions from, why not take advantage of that? What's wrong with earning several million dollars during their young, spry years as a professional athlete, and then retire from it while still young, having invested most of the earnings, and then perhaps turn to another career choice, if so desired. Look at Lynn Swann and Terry Bradshaw... they did that. OJ did that as well but screwed up royally. Then we have Arnold Swarzenegger starting out as pro body-building athlete turned famous actor, turned governor of California.
But even then, what percentage of the American* children are being home-schooled?

That's a good question. It used to be for religious zealots or people trying to isolate their kids but not any more. My wife and I home school our children. The public school system in North Carolina is broken and at the time we made our decision we lived in East Charlotte. Teachers are barely paid, they have very little control or authority in the classroom and punishments are little more than a slap on the wrist. I would venture to say most people in the forum would probably remember when principals were allowed to paddle students. Guess what? It didn't “scar” the kids, kept the trouble makers somewhat under control and you could actually get something accomplished in the classroom. I got a few and probably deserved more. Unfortunately liberal weenies made those guys look like the teachers in Pink Floyd's “The Wall”.

I agree with Mike, our culture puts the wrong emphasis on what is “important”. Standards are lower, everybody gets a trophy and a perfect GPA is no longer a 4-point-0. Hey... not everybody can play varsity, not everybody is going to get a date for the prom. The sooner you realize that the government can't supply all of your needs and wants and you'll have to actually work for a living the better off we will all be.

Okay, sorry about the rant. I feel better now.
The public school system in North Carolina is broken...

You got that right - but I think it's broken all over the country. And having the federal government trying to "fix" it only makes things worse. The best way to fix it would be for states to snub the fed money and go at it on their own - local control down to the county level.

My wife used to go into the high schools in this state and talk to the kids in the industrial arts classes. When I was in high school, those classes actually meant something - you learned good stuff. Now they have cut back so far in these programs that many are just shutting them down completely. To make matters worse, the school systems have used these classes as the dumping grounds for the ones who make trouble - and the shop teachers can't do anything with these kids or even discipline them. Its pathetic.

Its so bad that we are seriously considering pulling my daughter out of school and home schooling her after this year is out. My wife would always tell me about the encounters with the kids in these classes. She would talk to them about expenses once they get out and they have this notion that they can spend all this money (from what source? who knows) and if they can't then they'll just get food stamps and live off the government.

In reality, the government is doing a perfect job at teaching our kids - at least from the perspective of the government. For the last half century they have worked hard and are finally succeeding at molding the perfect citizens: People who rely on the government for everything and do not feel a responsibility for their own actions. Christian schools make sure they teach kids to love god, other parochial schools do the same - so why would it be any different for government run schools? A good government run school will teach kids to love government.
Anyone with a desire to learn, has a library on their computer, called the internet. Maybe you don't get a piece of paper to hang on the wall (just make one yourself with MSPaint), but you aren't locked into the education you get from public school. My degree is stuffed in a box some place, and probably take a day or two to locate.

Out of the tens of thousands of High School and College athletes, only a few dozen get to turn pro each year. Not a real high percentage, kind of like playing the lottery. Except... the past few years many of those superstars, are admitting to steroids, and other performance enhancing drugs. It wasn't all talent and hard work, but they are the product somebody manufactured.

Movie stars... Pretty much the same deal, thousands chase that dream, most are lucky if the can get into a commercial or as an extra.

A diploma or degree doesn't guarantee a successful career, or even a job in your chosen field. I doubt many people end up with the same job they were dreaming of, while doing the course work.
I really don't have the answer but somehow think that a voucher system would allow more parents more choices within their ability to pay. I say that even though my daughter is a high school special education teacher.


Why not just privatise the whole educational system and the government give parents grants for education?

That way the rich people have to pay and the poor people still get free education.

I don't know if it would work,tTo be honest I've got mixed views on the matter.

It just might give parents more choice and cut government meddling in children's education but getting private companies involved might be a bad idea.
It just might give parents more choice and cut government meddling in children's education but getting private companies involved might be a bad idea.

How could that possibly be a bad idea? Right now private schools are private companies. What is so evil about a company that happens to be a school?

It is actually a very good thing. It generates competition. Competition drives results. If there are choices for parents, then the schools/companies must work hard in order to deliver the best product - this particular product being the education. Otherwise they won't have any students to teach and won't be around. There would also be competition for good teachers at the good schools - which would inherently increase the pay for the good ones.

Government has no competition and therefore has no drive to pursue excellence - it has no fear of going out of business.

There is no perfect solution for anything, but continuing to do the same thing decade after decade with results that are worse as time goes on is absolutely insane.
I don't have a problem with private schools but I don't know if a 100% privatised system would be a good thing.

Privatising the whole system might not because big companies might create large schools in areas forming a monopoly. They'd be also more worried about making money and marketing then education. They could brainwash the students into sending their children to the school.

Another thing: how could we ensure that the students are fairly assessed?

Grade inflation might be even more of a problem than it currently is when they make the exams even easier to get a better pass rate nd more children attending the school.

There would still need to be a government run examining and inspection system to ensure the private schools are giving good value for money.

I'm not saying that the UK's state school system is perfect but schools are encouraged to compete with each other: better schools attract more students and the governors get bonuses.

I see your point that a 100% private system would benifit from competition but may be not as much as you might think.
How could that possibly be a bad idea? Right now private schools are private companies. What is so evil about a company that happens to be a school?

It is actually a very good thing. It generates competition. Competition drives results. If there are choices for parents, then the schools/companies must work hard in order to deliver the best product - this particular product being the education. Otherwise they won't have any students to teach and won't be around. There would also be competition for good teachers at the good schools - which would inherently increase the pay for the good ones.

Government has no competition and therefore has no drive to pursue excellence - it has no fear of going out of business.

There is no perfect solution for anything, but continuing to do the same thing decade after decade with results that are worse as time goes on is absolutely insane.

Competition is good. To much government meddling is bad. They put this no child left behind muse over the population and try to control the money spent. How do they do that ? by giving it to the same people who helped bankrupt this country lining their pockets with gold and those people loose more than you could have made in interest through poor investments.

The same lets say as an an example an educators 401k plan that continues to loose because ( As they put it ) we won't let you handle your own money because you would only loose it. So ( basically your to stupid ) just shut up cause we know what's best for you.

Wha........did you say ? They have repeatedly lost. How can they still have control over your money, I just don't get it. The government backs those greedy retards.

I could do better starting my own Taco Stand franchise. At least some people could eat better on my dime for a while before I went bust.

I realise you are a highly intelligent, articulate person, Mikebits, by the way you can express yourself and describe a simple topic with ideas that impressed me immensely.
But you must remember one thing:
Everyone doesn’t get beauty AND intelligence.
The people you are talking to in this forum are highly intelligent (capable) in one topic only - electronics.
They are not teachers - like you and your wife.
Some can’t even spell Eirish – Eyerish - Irish.
I have been a teacher all my life and experienced the exact concept you have brought up.
In Australia we made a big mistake. We brought in Southern Italians to do all the hard work: laundries in hospitals, road work, concreting, market gardening etc.
We thought we had a work-force for eternity.
Buy not one single Italian allowed their son or daughter to do the same manual work as their parents.
All their children graduated at University or similar high-level and we lost ALL the labour-force.
This attitude is consistent with all migrants. They all want the best for their children and will go to all lengths to achieve it.
All our private schools are FILLED with migrant children.
And they make a huge success in life.
I’m not saying I am fore or against it. I’m just saying we don’t have a chance.
By the year 2020, it was forecast that China’s gross turnover would outstrip the USA.
After all, look who was the “fall-guy” in buying all the sub-prime loans. Who has all the money in this society? It’s not us.
That is quite a compliment and kind of you to say Colin, but I am not a teacher, only my wife has the background to shape the minds of the young children.

I think you make a good point, and I see this as a form of complacency of the general populace. One might liken this to the story of the tortoise and the hare.

Good comments...
I posted this not to long ago relating to our economic situation and sadly I also feel it has a very valid point related to our educational system too! :mad:

Sadly this is our own fault! Too many Americans have an "Its not my responsibility" attitude to wards almost everything! Its a dangerous and selfish attitude to have.
If you don't watch who and what go's on around you that eventually has a very bad end result that is not in your favor! :eek:

There was a time in this countries history when it was considered and Honorable and very necessary part of life to take a direct participation in how your society was ran. If a bad mayor was elected for your town he got the boot or worse! If a local business was corrupt and crooked it got ran out of town too! If a business was just poorly ran someone would start a competing business and run them out too! ;)

Now we blindly elect whoever looks good on camera and never actually check to see if they are a good person or are actually qualified to do the job. We just say "That's not MY responsibility!" :eek: :mad:
If a business is corrupt and crooked we just say, We know your corrupt and crooked and something should be done about it but "That's not MY responsibility"! :eek::mad:
If a business is poorly ran and cant stand on its own instead of encouraging competition and actually getting better products for less we just give them more money and say; We don't like your junk, we don't like how you do things and someone really should do something about it but "That's not MY responsibility!" :eek::mad:

Our inaction and passing our responsibility onto others is what got us where we are at now! :(:mad:

You reap what you sew. You did not participate in who was being elected and how the government and big business were ran and now look what you are getting back from it! Exactly what you put into it, Nothing! :(

Now you hate what is happening and want something done about it, but hey, "Its not YOUR responsibility!" :mad::mad::mad:
In the developed nations we are passive victims to increasingly effective marketing techniques. We are being sold superfluous products, varnished polititions, airbrushed celebrities, expensive desires and views we come to think of as our own.
We are being played. Most realistically don't have the awareness to realise, many know it and endure in frustration, some might stand up and resist.
Maybe it's what we as an increasingly global society deserve. Maybe it's a step toward evolving into a super-organism in the same way that an ant colony can be thought of as a single organism.
Whatever the truth is I think individuality is going to be increasingly difficult to cling to.
I can recall my public school days as far back as kindergarten. For my whole life I can always remember the teachers saying that its important to be yourself and be an individual. However when I was myself and acted as an individual (But not like all of the other individuals that all acted the same) I typically caught hell for it!
To this day I still walk my own path in life. And it sickens me to see how brain washed and clueless our society is.

I see children taught that its more important to spare someones feelings than to actually succeed themselves.

Not every one is intelligent, not every ones feelings are never going to be hurt, not everyone is good at sports, not everyone is going to be your friend, not everyone is going to be fair and truthful, not everyone is going to be honest and nice, not everyone that is older than you is correct or right all the time, not everyone that is in charge belongs or deserves to be in charge, not everyone has good communication skills, not everyone likes what you like, not everyone understands what you understand, not everyone handles things the way you do, not everyone cares about what you think, not everyone reads though these run-on sentences.

Life is tough and the ones that are able to stand up after being knocked down are the ones that are going to get some where.
We would all do well to read some of the works of Machiavelli.
I'm not saying that the UK's state school system is perfect but schools are encouraged to compete with each other: better schools attract more students and the governors get bonuses.

Sorry, but that's completely wrong - governors are unpaid, they don't get paid a penny, and certainly no bonuses. They can claim a small amount of expenses, such as the cost of stamps and phonecalls for any work they might do from home. The majority of governors though don't even claim their expenses, my wife doesn't, nor do any of the other governors at the same school.

As for school league tables and 'competing' - this has been a serious disaster, and has damaged childrens education in the UK.

Schools don't teach the subject any more, they teach the kids how to pass a specific exam - and that's it.

As a response to this, many secondary school exams are now modular, which means you take more exams through out the year, at least one for each module - this means the kids have to be taught all aspects of the subject, rather than just what's most likely to appear in the summer exam.

What if everything was based on performance ?

In china I'm told a Doctor won't get paid when your sick only when your healthy.

Apply that to sectors of our society. Health care, Governors, senators.

Wall street gets paid even when their loosing ? If I don't do my job I get fired not them they get paid.

Change will be difficult.

I posted this not to long ago relating to our economic situation and sadly I also feel it has a very valid point related to our educational system too! :mad:

Sadly this is our own fault! Too many Americans have an "Its not my responsibility" attitude to wards almost everything! Its a dangerous and selfish attitude to have.
If you don't watch who and what go's on around you that eventually has a very bad end result that is not in your favor! :eek:

There was a time in this countries history when it was considered and Honorable and very necessary part of life to take a direct participation in how your society was ran. If a bad mayor was elected for your town he got the boot or worse! If a local business was corrupt and crooked it got ran out of town too! If a business was just poorly ran someone would start a competing business and run them out too! ;)

Now we blindly elect whoever looks good on camera and never actually check to see if they are a good person or are actually qualified to do the job. We just say "That's not MY responsibility!" :eek: :mad:
If a business is corrupt and crooked we just say, We know your corrupt and crooked and something should be done about it but "That's not MY responsibility"! :eek::mad:
If a business is poorly ran and cant stand on its own instead of encouraging competition and actually getting better products for less we just give them more money and say; We don't like your junk, we don't like how you do things and someone really should do something about it but "That's not MY responsibility!" :eek::mad:

Our inaction and passing our responsibility onto others is what got us where we are at now! :(:mad:

You reap what you sew. You did not participate in who was being elected and how the government and big business were ran and now look what you are getting back from it! Exactly what you put into it, Nothing! :(

Now you hate what is happening and want something done about it, but hey, "Its not YOUR responsibility!" :mad::mad::mad:

TCM, I like your spunk. But this one is one that has bothered me for years. Just as the other poster said. If you have any brains at all you don't go into politics.

Be a doctor,lawyer,business owner or executive.

If you make that choice first you have to change your Ideals, learn to play by the rules of the game (quid pro quo.) When you become effective in society the media will not publicize it to the general public. Instead they would rather ruin you when you fall off a podium or something. Plus it's about the money who in the hell wants to go up against a guy who's been their forever and try to bust his chops when no one will support you. That guy has a never ending bank role of money. If someone does give you the money you need plus support, then you become their puppet. They only want people to manipulated to their way of thinking.

(TCM you do not fall into this category) but you could do a politicians job easily.

Our system has flaws but we need intelligent people to play the game and win at their own strategy using there rules and system against them.

It will be hard to change a 100 years of corruption. But it must be done by the people for the people and with the people.

Anarchy is not the answer. It has taken them over 40 years to get us to this point and it will take 100 years to change it. Our form of Government is a good tree, it just needs a little pruning.
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Sorry, but that's completely wrong - governors are unpaid, they don't get paid a penny, and certainly no bonuses. They can claim a small amount of expenses, such as the cost of stamps and phonecalls for any work they might do from home. The majority of governors though don't even claim their expenses, my wife doesn't, nor do any of the other governors at the same school.

As for school league tables and 'competing' - this has been a serious disaster, and has damaged childrens education in the UK.

Schools don't teach the subject any more, they teach the kids how to pass a specific exam - and that's it.

As a response to this, many secondary school exams are now modular, which means you take more exams through out the year, at least one for each module - this means the kids have to be taught all aspects of the subject, rather than just what's most likely to appear in the summer exam.
Yes Iwas wrong abou t that but don't better schools get more funding the head teacher gets rewarded for good performance?
Thanks! :)

What I am referring to is not politics or at least what is viewed as modern politics. Back in the old days it was just attending a your community meetings and sharing ideas on what needed to be improved upon in your local community. It was a rather social event that happened to put the needs of the local people in public view!
If farmer Fred was having field flooding problems rancher Bob would say; Well I need more water for my cattle so will the community have any problem with me building a dam and keeping more water upstream from farmer Fred's fields?
Thats what it was about. Not politics as we see it today.

I have been beat down by company and office politics so many times I know full well that if you learn the rules its no that hard to beat the system at is own game while staying squarely within its rules and guidelines! It really pisses of the rule writers when you use their work against them! :):D

Having my own service business I have to comply with allot of public and general laws and rules in order to stay in business.

But I also understand that by knowing those rules and laws I can use them to my full advantage too!
That diligent regulations studying has paid off many times too!
I go head to head with people fairly often that think they are right in what they are doing. When I pull out a code book relating to their exact field of employment and start quoting line for line why they are wrong and why I am right it shuts them up rather quickly. ;)

Around here the two worst ones are professional electricians that dont even own a NEC code book or have never read one and Air conditioning service companies that have no idea what the actual EPA regulations are on the stuff they work with every day! :eek:

It unfortunately rather scares me how many other people try to quote rules and regulations pertaining to their work yet dont actually own or let alone have ever opened a book and looked to see if the nonsense they are spewing is real or not!:mad:
NEC code book is one! EPA rules and regulations is another one! Local zoning and building code references is another!

Surprisingly the vast majority are often more wrong than right about what they are quoting too! :eek:
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