Ineptivity. Created by the spawn of materialism.
My daughters knew how to read and write before they went into kindergarten. My wife and I made it a priority. Both of them are ahead of most in their classes and having been introduced to books early on, they both love to read.
I find it absolutely appalling that parents don't do anything intellectual with their kids for the first four to five years of their lives. Just how hard is it to sit down with YOUR CHILD and read to them before bed or do flash cards or play games that help them learn - or just play with them for gods sake!
They let their kids get taught by televisions in their most formative years then dump them in schools and expect the school to teach them to read and write, feed them, make them feel good about themselves and do all the parenting - all without any real discipline (cuz if they did they'd be sued). It's amazing how lazy and apathetic people really are.
People have lost their first priority and found themselves in apathy. Locked into a terminal addiction to materialism. This is due to the fact that they cannot afford.
Such as Daycare, car or Cars, house, food, toys of every kind boat, 4 wheeler Ect. So, they purchase on credit and pay using every available minute working instead of tending the garden of their family or children.
Plus they are victims of their own Social ineptivity. This leads to poor decision making and cascades into process confusion. Not clearly understanding true joy and happiness.
Ineptivity. defines inept as, “displaying a lack of judgment, sense, or reason,” and activity as,
“the state of being active; energetic action or movement; liveliness.” When you combine the two, you
get ineptivity; action without reason, energetic lack of judgment, senseless movement. the symbol
of ineptivity is the hamster’s exercise wheel. the hamster runs non-stop at top speed, frequently
catching other hamsters in the flurry of motion it has created, yet it never gets anywhere. Ineptivity
is the result of the widely held corporate philosophy that motion is the highest principle and that
activity denotes productivity and success.
Splitting their time and money into 2 separate category's will spell disaster in a average median class family.
Not to mention those suffering from divorce lose of income and single parent habitation cost. These people run into a deficit right at the beginning and continue to spiral downward.