Schematic diagram help.

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Im doing an assignment and I have to draw a schematic diagram of a fully buffered processor. My problem is that i have a single line coming from the processor which is A16 to A19, which is representing 4 lines in parallel. I have to connect this to a buffer which takes single lines.
Does anyone know how to split the single line from the processor to 4 separate lines? I've done everything, but i dont know how to properly draw this in a schematic diagram.
The "Single line" as you cal it is a bus, when a connection enters a bus it is given an identifier ie.. A1, A2, A3 etc.. They must be unique so someone else reading the schematic can see where a connection enters / exits the bus.

Cheers Ian


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The only problem with this concept is the time it takes to find the corresponding lines.
Take a Phillips Colour TV.
It took over 30 minutes to find the connecting lines on a common bus and it took even longer to find the components on a PC board, hidden in various parts of the cabinet.
The whole idea of a common bus is to simplify the diagram and it's important to identify the lines with an arrow to show if a signal is entering or emerging from a bus.
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