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Schematic for this board on Youtube

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Well-Known Member
I sent the guy an email but no response as it appears to be a company or ??
Has anyone built or have a schematic

Looks like an interesting piece of hardware.
Shouldnt be hard to work out, schems to conect a zif to a pickit2 are around, and the arduino is just a header to a zif socket, and just a couple of leds thrown in.

Interesting to see someone friendly with pics and arduino's.
That's kinda what I figured but dosen't hurt to ask and perhaps someone has some insight.
I need to look at the pin layout of the pic since the unit in the video can program, using same zif socket, an 8 pin pic and a 40 pin pic and perhaps everything in between?
According to a replay he left on the video

"sorry, didn't document this one at all. It just breaks out all the important stuff to the programming headers"

So emailing him will not help.

I can tell you its not a universal programmer.
The two sockets are separated, The small ZIP socket only works with the USB converter header and the large socket is wired only to the PICKIT II header.
Nothing special just two ZIP sockets on the same board.
I have a zif socket to pickit 2 adaptor, schematics for them are on the net.
I'm not an arduino fan but you'll rpobably also find a schem for a usb serial adaptor to arduino zif as well.
Or were you thinking that with the unit you could program arduino's with a pickit, or maybe program pics with a serial interface?, it did kinda look that way to me at first.
Am working on a multi-function versatile development board system that the end user can use an 18,28,40 pin pic as well as a 28pin ATtiny328 micro. Present design calls to use Pickit for the pics and a USB converter break out board from Sparkfun (oo718). Considered a boot-loader and even looked at ways to use the PICKIT2 to program the ATtiny328 but no real results.
Don't you have to know something about Arduino to design a dev board to use it? I have not noticed this in your skill set.
I have been doing lots of research and looking at data sheets and schematics concerning Atmel micros. I myself do not plan to use the Atmel chip, just have it available if someone wants to use it. Have yet to find anything really different when compared to a Microchip pic.
And congrats on the nice layout of the wake turbulence device your building for the FAA. LOTS of cabiling but makes it easier to service if needed.
...And congrats on the nice layout of the wake turbulence device your building for the FAA. LOTS of cabiling but makes it easier to service if needed....

I'll take your comment under advisement....well, probably not. There are precisely the number of connections that need to be made and no more.
That's kinda what I figured but dosen't hurt to ask and perhaps someone has some insight.
I need to look at the pin layout of the pic since the unit in the video can program, using same zif socket, an 8 pin pic and a 40 pin pic and perhaps everything in between?

That's EXTREMELY old news :D

Check out the P16PRO40 from well back in the last century.


  • $_14.JPG
    2.1 KB · Views: 329

When you can buy this programmer and mini prog/dev board with Zif socket for just £4 delivered is there any point in building your own if its hardly going to be used ..?

Have used a similar avrisp programmer and they do the job well enough for the odd time you need them.
And there it is, now if you get one for the small socket and USB and glue them together add few wires to parallel the power wires and you're done.
And there it is, now if you get one for the small socket and USB and glue them together add few wires to parallel the power wires and you're done.
TUT TUT, clearly you have never read a Mr Deb thread!!!
The main problems start after the glue, I estimate around 20 pages and 400+ replies on this one. Jonsea go take a nap you have much work ahead lol.
AVR's and PICS on the same board by Mr Deb indeed!!! Just when I thought that at 13 & 3/4 I had seen and read it all, along comes a epic and I mean epic topic, Soldering some wires on a ZIF socket, what on earth could go wrong with that?? LMFAO
I expect to see a fully operational and documented project on a deep space craft before you attempt this :hilarious:
I have to agree though with the statement regarding too many wires, JonSea you could probably do without some of them unless you want it to work of course. I am sure for a small fee Mr Deb would be willing to advise you on how you can tweak your design to use no more than 4 wires, after all it isnt like your trying to do anything hard like flash a RGB led, or super difficult like make a Led matrix FFS! Get a grip man and start cutting those wires!:hilarious::hilarious:
Well little Ghostman, all I did was commend Jon on his craftsmanship and end of story. no need to start making comments.
On the youtube video, I mentioned that I do not plan to build the programmer in the video, just curious about it. I am tinkering with a one off or more of a development board that has lots of options and chip selection( amtel and microchip).
No deep space craft in the works and no plans for one.
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