Searching for Analog Switch - enable on LOW

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New Member
I've been using the 4066N analog switch in a number of projects lately. My projects involve switches that are common ground; they are High when not pressed, and low when pressed. The 4066N enables the analog switch when the control line is high, and disabled them when low; the opposite of what I need.

The only other 'active low' analog switch I've found is the MAX4611. It works great, but is costly ($1.50 vs a 4066N's .50) and not as readily available. Speed, On resistance, etc, are not much of a concern, so economical options are better than high performance ones.

Is there a 'standard' analog switch IC, available in DIP, that enables the switches on low?
You can use the 4053 which contains 3 SPDT analog switches and just wire to the normally closed contact. Or you can use a spare switch from the 4066 and a resistor to invert the signal.
Papabravo said:
I guess you're stuck with using an inverter.
That does seem to be the case. Thanks for looking though. If you come across anything that might fit, please let me know.
toodles said:
That does seem to be the case. Thanks for looking though. If you come across anything that might fit, please let me know.

If you need to invert control lines, you could use a budget transistor/resistor invertor, between the switch and the 4066 enable.
I do need to invert control lines if I keep with the 4066N, but I'll need to invert between 12 and 15 of them. Thanks, but I'll stick to the 74HC14's
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