Seasonic X-750 (PCI-E earlier turn OFF then other stuff such CPU, MB, ...)

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New Member
Hi there,

I bought Seasonic X-750 few days ago. Everything is ok, except when I shutdown the comp. It seems the PSU turns the VGA earlier than the others (motherboard and CPU, ...).

I switched the PSU cause of the death of Enermax Liberty 620W. (there hasnt been problem with earlier turning off of the VGA)

I have GeForce 8800GTX. (2x6 pins) if the GeForce doesnt have enough power the buzzer/speaker turns on.

when I shut the comp off the buzzer turns on for an half of second, and than everething turns off.

Is it normal behaviour of the PSU???

Should I be concerned about the VGA??? (can the earlier shutting down of the PCI-E damage the VGA card?

Thanks in advance
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