simple 6volt power source

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New Member
hi, can someone help me out ? i've been searching for a 6 volt 1 amp power supply for my video camera and just cant find one no where !!!
if someone has a simple schematic for such, and willing to share it,
you would really make my day .
thanks in advance, clarence

i assume you want one that plugs into the wall??

If you want to build it, which is from this step by step guide: - all you need to do is swap the 7805 regulator for a 7806. If you can't get hold of a 7806, its gets a tad more complicated, but we'll come to that if necessary.

if you're happy to buy one ready made, regulated **broken link removed** or switchmode **broken link removed** (as examples - you can pick up similar things from most electrical shops)

interestingly, the second link shown above claims to be a digital camera PSU, but it makes no difference at all.

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