Simple electric motor project

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New Member
For my physics class we were given 4 meters of 22 gauge wire, 4 paper clips, 2 nails, some tacks, and some tape. With these materials and the construction sheet we had to build an electric motor. Problem is when i built mine it didn't work. So then I tried making another one but for this I wrapped a good 3 layers of enamel coated 24 gauge wire on the iron nails, and the inner winding with 30 gauge wire. I wrapped the nails opposite of each other and the inner winding I wrapped the same direction all the way down the wire and back for both sides. This project is supposed to work on 2v but my teacher expects some to get there's working on 1.5v or less. Yet when I hook mine up to a normal rechargeable battery the nails barely get magnetized and the magnetic field isn't even noticeable on the winding it is only noticeable on the ends of the nail. What can I do ?
Here are the photo's:


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I just rewound the center thing a whole bunch more and it works great now! To bad it took an hour an a half to make a new one xD.
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