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Sine wave from 16F628A

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I want to make a PIC output sine wave from RA2 pin. I don't care about specific frequency i want to modify the code for my needs.

If someone is kind enough to help me it would be nice... :) i could take a seat and try to do it by myself but probably i won't be able to do such stuff until 5-6 months or so and i need this code now! :D

thank you!
You can't output a sine wave on a single pin unless you use PWM and this would have to be on RB3 in order for it to work. Have a read of this thread, it may give you some ideas.

Pommie what does this code of yours do? can i use it for my needs?

Pommie said:
Just incase anyone fancies trying this in asm, here it is.

                LIST    p=16F88
                #INCLUDE <P16F88.INC>
                errorlevel -302
                __CONFIG _CONFIG2, _IESO_OFF & _FCMEN_OFF
                CBLOCK  0x20            ; Sample GPR variable registers allocated contiguously
W_TEMP          EQU     0x7D            ; w register for context saving (ACCESS)
STATUS_TEMP     EQU     0x7E            ; status used for context saving (ACCESS)
PCLATH_TEMP     EQU     0x7F            ; variable used for context saving
; RESET VECTOR          
RESET           ORG     0x0000          ; processor reset vector9
                PAGESEL START
                GOTO    START           ; go to beginning of program
ISR             ORG     0x0004          ; interrupt vector location
;         Context saving for ISR  
                MOVWF   W_TEMP          ; save off current W register contents
                MOVF    STATUS,W        ; move status register into W register
                MOVWF   STATUS_TEMP     ; save off contents of STATUS register
                MOVF    PCLATH,W        ; move pclath register into W register
                MOVWF   PCLATH_TEMP     ; save off contents of PCLATH register
                movfw   Step            ;Position+=Step
                addwf   Position,F
                movfw   Step+1
                btfsc   STATUS,C
                addlw   1
                addwf   Position+1,F
                movlw   high GetSine    ;Prepare to get sine value
                movwf   PCLATH
                movfw   Position+1
                andlw   .31             ;TempB=(Position>>8)&31
                call    GetSine
                movwf   TempB
                movwf   PORTB
                bcf     PIR1,TMR2IF
;         Restore context before returning from interrupt  
                MOVF    PCLATH_TEMP,W   ; retrieve copy of PCLATH register
                MOVWF   PCLATH          ; restore pre-isr PCLATH register contents
                MOVF    STATUS_TEMP,W   ; retrieve copy of STATUS register
                MOVWF   STATUS          ; restore pre-isr STATUS register contents
                SWAPF   W_TEMP,F
                SWAPF   W_TEMP,W        ; restore pre-isr W register contents
                RETFIE                  ; return from interrupt
; MAIN PROGRAM          
                bsf     STATUS,RP0
                movlw   0xf0
                movwf   TRISA
                movwf   TRISB
                movlw   b'00000111'     ;	disable comparator
                movwf   CMCON
                movlw   B'01110000'     ;select 8MHz clock
                movwf   OSCCON
                clrf    ANSEL           ;no ADCs
                bcf     STATUS,RP0
                movlw   1<<TMR2ON|b'01'<<T2CKPS0
                movwf   T2CON
                bsf     STATUS,RP0
                movlw   .249
                movwf   PR2
                bsf     PIE1,TMR2IE
                bcf     STATUS,RP0
                movlw   low(.819)
                movwf   Step
                movlw   high(.819)
                movwf   Step+1
                movlw   (1<<GIE|1<<PEIE|0<<TMR0IE|0<<INTE|0<<RBIE|0<<TMR0IF|0<<INTF|0<<RBIF)
                movwf   INTCON          ;		enable Peripheral interupts
                GOTO    $
                org     0x0400
GetSine         addwf   PCL,F
                dt      .7,.8,.10,.11,.12,.13,.13,.14,.14,.14,.13,.13,.12,.11,.10,.8
                dt      .7,.6,.4,.3,.2,.1,.1,.0,.0,.0,.1,.1,.2,.3,.4,.6

It outputs a sine wave on the lower 4 bits of Port B. An R2R DAC (google it) is required to convert to an analogue value. If you read the whole thread you should get a better idea of what it does.

so... i need the above code a resistor network connected to the corresponding pins and an opamp?

and probably i need accurate resistor values 1% tolerance for that... right?
is there any easier way? you said something about using just one pin with PWM...
Last edited:
Yes, that will give you a noisy 200Hz output, adding a filter should make it cleaner. Note, it is only 4 bit and so is very "stepy". It would be fairly simple to change it to 8 bit and get a much smoother waveform.

well... i just need a sine wave out, 200Hz it's fine with me...i don't mind if it noisy or not so accurate.

but i would like it simpler, because it's for a fast experiment and i don't have time chassing 1% resistors and setting up op-amps.. :eek: :D
whiz115 said:
well... i just need a sine wave out, 200Hz it's fine with me...i don't mind if it noisy or not so accurate.

but i would like it simpler, because it's for a fast experiment and i don't have time chassing 1% resistors and setting up op-amps.. :eek: :D

For only 4 bits, 5% resistors should be fine.
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