So How Fast is Your Internet Speed? Test here & Post!

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2060 kb/s download, 2,210 kb/s upload, but I am not at home at the moment. I'll have to check there, too.
Der Strom
Happy! Happy!


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On IPStar satellite here and just did the speed test, nice sunny day and we are on a 2mbit upload 1 mbit download.

Cheers Bryan
Mine is messed up now. I should be getting 3 MB/768 K less about 10% overhead and I have in the past.
Last issue was the protector in the NID. I'm also running without a 1/2 ringer in the NID. The NID also has an Autojack. The loop of silver satin cable, which is bad doesn't exist. The 1/2 ringer is a bad thing.

I'm getting around 0.6 Mb/s down right now. Not good. Troubleshooting is a real pain since I run the DSL modem in "Bridge mode". The ISP can't trouble shoot unless it's out of "Bridge mode". My laptop is connected wired only for troubleshooting and configuring devices.

As for Hitech, he probably isn't running XP. You have to hack the registry to get XP to even run that fast. At work I had like a 48 Mb/s link. It, however was a Windows/machine limitation, not a link limitation.
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As for Hitech, he probably isn't running XP. You have to hack the registry to get XP to even run that fast. At work I had like a 48 Mb/s link. It, however was a Windows/machine limitation, not a link limitation.
I am running Win XP/SP3 and I am not aware of the registry being hacked for such performance, other than a simple TCP/IP tweak. The connection is via fiber and Category 6a.
Home speed:
**broken link removed**

Now with frontier FIOS, not much change from when it was Verizon.

Debian Linux firewall and NAT server.

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Download: 2.11 Mbps
Upload: 32.40 Mbps

That is the basic internet connection in Finland (included in rent). 100 Mbps is available if you pay for it (~30 eur/month).
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Download: 2.11 Mbps
Upload: 32.40 Mbps

That is the basic internet connection in Finland (included in rent). 100 Mbps is available if you pay for it (~30 eur/month).

I think you've got your upload and download the wrong way round

Nice speeds though - I only get about 2Mb/s and 0.5Mb/s - but it's been reliable for a good few weeks now.
I re-tested too because now my ISP has "speed boost" where the speed increases if it can. I pay the same low price as befor for Hi-Speed Lite on my cable-TV cable but today the speed is 5 times what it used to be. 4.77Mb down and 0.26Mb up.
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