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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

So How Fast is Your Internet Speed? Test here & Post!

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**broken link removed**
Dang, I thought mine was fast, I seem glacial compared to most of you...
Good enough for me though, I can stream multiple things at the same time and not notice any lag...

Yet my computer says this...


  • internet.GIF
    16.3 KB · Views: 748
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The 54.0 Mbps is the theoretical maximum bandwidth for 802.11a and 802.11g networks. That is all that means. That is not the speed you are running at.

The 54 Mbps has about 10% overhead, so you'll never see 54Mbps.

Yeah, I never mentioned the overhead. :(

Something else to consider that when visiting sites that measure your bandwidth speed, that is all they do. That server out there just receives and send a little bit of data and calculates your connection speed. While this is a nice to see set of numbers and makes for a fun and amusing thread it leaves much to be desired.

My bandwidth speed can vary based on time of day and other factors. What I see on a test now, I likely will not see several hours from now.

Next enter the server you are connecting to. In real life we don't upload and download small data packets to a server that does that day in and day out. If I hit a server to download a large file like 3 or 4 GB the speed I get will not just be a function of my bandwidth but how busy the server is. The fact that I can connect to the server at warp speed does not mean the server will send my data back at warp speed depending on how busy it is. Big pipe and trickle of water. :) The same is true of uploading files (data) to a server. Matters not how fast I can send it I will never exceed how fast the server decides to take it.

There is a big pile of variables in all of this up/down stuff. You will take what you get and you will like it to quote my father at dinner time. :)

There is a big pile of variables in all of this up/down stuff. You will take what you get and you will like it to quote my father at dinner time. :)


I think really the only "guarantee" you can get regarding your speed is the speed of the connection between you and your provider; I don't think they guarantee anything beyond their own network.

I generally test my speed using two different methods - one via (which is currently telling me 50ms ping, 28.76 Mbps/10.75 Mbps D/U), and the other via Cox (my provider - **broken link removed**), which is currently telling me 20ms ping, 33.33 Mbps/15.25 Mbps D/U.

The difference is likely in the number of hops (and their latency) between cox and speedtest; anything within cox's network is going to be made as fast as possible, but they have no control over anything beyond their network. I just tried a traceroute to both speedtest:

andrew@buster:~$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  0.479 ms  0.666 ms  0.854 ms
 2  * * *
 3 (  15.469 ms  16.352 ms  16.443 ms
 4 (  18.695 ms  18.730 ms  18.755 ms
 5 (  16.438 ms  16.463 ms  18.507 ms
 6 (  28.297 ms  23.205 ms  23.585 ms
 7 (  66.384 ms  69.418 ms  67.369 ms
 8 (  68.421 ms  68.364 ms  67.286 ms
 9 (  63.525 ms  63.350 ms  63.456 ms
10 (  64.744 ms  62.255 ms  63.362 ms
11 (  157.478 ms  157.413 ms  156.417 ms
12 (  232.321 ms  194.376 ms  193.418 ms
13 (  66.477 ms  65.526 ms  66.672 ms
14 (  65.211 ms  67.935 ms  60.881 ms
15 (  196.815 ms  195.888 ms  196.843 ms
16 (  59.138 ms  64.214 ms  65.141 ms

...and cox:

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  0.423 ms  0.604 ms  0.785 ms
 2  * * *
 3 (  10.324 ms  11.234 ms  13.728 ms
 4 (  15.370 ms  16.384 ms  16.427 ms
 5 (  17.417 ms !X * *
andrew@buster:~$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
 1 (  0.521 ms  0.704 ms  0.882 ms
 2  * * *
 3 (  14.234 ms  15.166 ms  15.227 ms
 4 (  17.473 ms  17.490 ms  17.505 ms
 5 (  15.207 ms  15.224 ms  17.288 ms
 6 (  59.109 ms  92.175 ms  55.843 ms
 7  * * *
 8  * * *
 9  * * *
10  * * *
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30  * * *

Though as you can see, cox wasn't being as cooperative - so you can't compare things to know what is going on...hmm.

Also - if you look upthread (waaay upthread), you'll note my numbers have come down a lot since I last posted my speed; I'm not exactly sure why, although my numbers are still within (actually, above) the service agreement with cox - though not the insane difference it used to be. They advertise a set of tiers that end with "Premier" or something, but there is actually a level above that which you can pay for to get 50 Mbps down and 20 Mbps (I think) up; I tried to get that myself, but they want to send somebody out to your house and you have to have a 'doze box set up (I say screw that - flip the damn switch on your end and re-provision the modem, and we'll see what happens; I already have RG6 from their termination thru the rest of my house, if it doesn't work, its likely their problem). I guess they don't really want my $100.00 a month...

They also have a tier they don't talk about that is lower than their lowest advertised tier; you have to call and ask for it - some stupid small bandwidth (but much faster than dialup) for like $9.99 a month. Both of these extra tiers are little known about, it seems (at one time they advertised both, but I guess maybe they didn't get a lot of people taking them up on them, so they stopped advertising them).

One of these days I'll just pony up for a business account; my speed likely won't change much, but I'll be able to run servers legally, and have a better guarantee on "uptime" (not that it has been a problem lately).


33 down
.5 up

Go figure? Good thing I am not trying to upload anything of any size to anywhere. :)

One of these days I'll just pony up for a business account; my speed likely won't change much, but I'll be able to run servers legally, and have a better guarantee on "uptime" (not that it has been a problem lately).

I thought about that some years back. Getting a business account and fixed IP with Time Warner would have cost considerably, even for low end. I couldn't justify the cost, even to myself. :)

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40.5 Mb/s download
36.4 Mb/s upload
Don't laugh:
  • Download: 0.04Mbps
  • Upload: 0.13Mbps
  • Ping: 1252mS

OK, go ahead and laugh ...
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