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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

(Solved)Again problem with matrix, this time 8x32

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Crap, got carried away with other stuff....experimented with home-made etching solution made of vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.....when warmed to about 40'c, man, it's so good stuff to etch pcb's at home! toner transfer is made with acetone, and yeah, I use laser printer. Made breakout board for ESP8266/07 module and TEA5767 fm-module, latter came out much better due better preaparation of PCB and other stuff too. And I use KiCad for design.

But, I'll try now to come back to this subject, I'm sorry doggy!
ok, tested that new sketch with both 16 and 8-bit fontmaps, no change. Digits are empty, serial monitor shows same thing as earlier
DOGGY! Still have that circuit intact, so I gave it shot with SPI. This allows to draw any character from fontmap (fontmap is int because array elements are 16-bit, not 8)
So, it is possible. Do you see anything that could help further?
#include <SPI.h>
int font [125]  =  //numbers stored here, int because of 16-bit size, unsigned char won't work
{ //Position, Character
  //  0B (null) M L K J I H G2, G1 F E D C B A DOT
  0B0001100001111110, // 0  0
  0B0000000000001100, // 1  1
  0B0000000110110110, // 2  2
  0B0000000110011110, // 3  3
  0B0000000111001100, // 4  4
  0B0000000111011010, // 5  5
  0B0000000111111010, // 6  6
  0B0000000000001110, // 7  7
  0B0000000111111110, // 8  8
  0B0000000111011110, // 9  9

  0B0000000000000000, // 10  \n
  0B0000000000000000, // 11
  0B0000000000000000, // 12
  0B0000000000000000, // 13  \r
  0B0000000000000000, // 14  \p
  0B0000000000000000, // 15
  0B0000000000000000, // 16
  0B0000000000000000, // 17
  0B0000000000000000, // 18
  0B0000000000000000, // 19

  0B0000000000000000, // 20
  0B0000000000000000, // 21
  0B0000000000000000, // 22
  0B0000000000000000, // 23
  0B0000000000000000, // 24
  0B0000000000000000, // 25
  0B0000000000000000, // 26
  0B0000000000000000, // 27  /esc
  0B0000000000000000, // 28
  0B0000000000000000, // 29

  0B0000000000000000, // 30
  0B0000000000000000, // 31
  0B0000000000000000, // 32  "space"
  0B0000000000000000, // 33  !
  0B0000000000000000, // 34
  0B0000000000000000, // 35
  0B0000000000000000, // 36
  0B0000000000000000, // 37
  0B0000000000000000, // 38
  0B0000000000000000, // 39

  0B0000000000000000, // 40
  0B0000000000000000, // 41
  0B0000000000000000, // 42
  0B0000000000000000, // 43
  0B0000000000000000, // 44
  0B0000000110000000, // 45  -(minus)
  0B0000000000000000, // 46
  0B0000000000000000, // 47

  0B0001100001111110, // 48  0
  0B0000000000001100, // 49  1
  0B0000000110110110, // 50  2
  0B0000000110011110, // 51  3
  0B0000000111001100, // 52  4
  0B0000000111011010, // 53  5
  0B0000000111111010, // 54  6
  0B0000000000001110, // 55  7
  0B0000000111111110, // 56  8
  0B0000000111011110, // 57  9

  0B0000000000000000, // 58  :
  0B0000000000000000, // 59
  0B0000000000000000, // 60
  0B0000000110010000, // 61  =
  0B0000000000000000, // 62
  0B0000000000000000, // 63
  0B0000000000000000, // 64
  0B0000000111101110, // 65  A
  0B0010010100011110, // 66  0B
  0B0000000001110010, // 67  C
  0B0010010000011110, // 68  D
  0B0000000011110010, // 69  E

  0B0000000011100010, // 70  F
  0B0000000101111010, // 71  G
  0B0000000111101100, // 72  H
  0B0010010000010010, // 73  I
  0B0000000000111100, // 74  J
  0B0100100011100000, // 75  K
  0B0000000001110000, // 76  L
  0B0000101001101100, // 77  M
  0B0100001001101100, // 78  N
  0B0000000001111110, // 79  O

  0B0000000111100110, // 80  P
  0B0100000001111110, // 81  Q
  0B0100000111100110, // 82  R
  0B0000000111011010, // 83  S
  0B0010010000000010, // 84  T
  0B0000000001111100, // 85  U
  0B0001100001100000, // 86  V
  0B0101000001101100, // 87  W
  0B0101101000000000, // 88  X
  0B0000000000000000, // 89  Y

  0B0000000000000000, // 90  Z
  0B0000000001110010, // 91  [
  0B0000000000000000, // 92
  0B0000000000011110, // 93  ]
  0B0000000000000000, // 94
  0B0000000000010000, // 95  _
  0B0000000000000000, // 96
  0B0000000010111110, // 97  a
  0B0000000011111000, // 98  b
  0B0000000010110000, // 99  c

  0B0000000010111100, // 100  d
  0B0000000011110110, // 101  e
  0B0000000000000000, // 102  f
  0B0000000000000000, // 103  g
  0B0000000011101000, // 104  h
  0B0000000000000000, // 105  i
  0B0000000000000000, // 106  j
  0B0000000000000000, // 107  k
  0B0000000000000000, // 108  l
  0B0000000000000000, // 109  m

  0B0000000000000000, // 110  n
  0B0000000010111000, // 111  o
  0B0000000000000000, // 112  p
  0B0000000000000000, // 113  q
  0B0000000000000000, // 114  r
  0B0000000000000000, // 115  s
  0B0000000000000000, // 116  t
  0B0000000000111000, // 117  u
  0B0000000000000000, // 118  v
  0B0000000000000000, // 119  w

  0B0000000000000000, // 120  x
  0B0000000000000000, // 121  y
  0B0000000000000000, // 122  z
  0B0000000000000000, // 123
  0B0000000000000000, // 124

void setup (void)
  SPI.begin ();

void loop (void)

  digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);  // SS is pin 10
  SPI.transfer16(font[millis() / 1000 % 10]);
  digitalWrite(SS, LOW);

  digitalWrite(SS, HIGH);  // SS is pin 10
  SPI.transfer16(font[millis() / 10000 % 10]);
  digitalWrite(SS, LOW);

} // end of loop
Thanks Kiss, struct looked like array to me. And as for casting, Never used that, well much at least....
But, finally, this works! Without SPI, just modifed that earlier skecth, used 16-bit fontmap, I'll attach video, fontmap & code soonish. PHEW...
Struct can be considered an array of sorts, but it is much more than that. It's a way of organizing related values of possibly varying types into a single object, for simplicity in management and referencing data.

One could have many arrays or related values and they could be manipulated as a whole by repeating an operation with a common index. Or in a struct, you can manipulate the values with a single step.
Some pseudo code. A report is created for salesman commissions based on order of total sales.
dim int id[]={0,1,2}
dim float sales[]={500.00,1000.00,800,00}
dim string name[]={
// part of source code
if (sales[i]<sales[i+1{) {

Now using a struct (please remember this is pseudo code. I'm typing on my phone in a cabin in the woods. My syntax will be off)
dim struct salesrecord {
int id
float sales
string name
dim salesrecord salesman[]
dim salesrecord temprecord 
// part of source code
If (salesman.sales[i]<salesman.sales[i+1]){
here we go, 16-bit fontmap:
#include "FontMap14Segment.h"

int dataPin = 2; // ic: 14, ser_in Define which pins will be used for the Shift Register control
int latchPin = 3; // ic:12 silkscreen numbers!
int clockPin = 4;

unsigned char displayPointer = 0; // for interrupt use...
int buffer1[2]; //16 bits for each digit
int backbuffer[2]; // Spare screen for drawing on

int power[16] = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768};

ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) // timer compare interrupt service routine, called every now and then, outside of loop
  if (TIFR2) // Make sure its the timer interrupt.
  setcolumn(displayPointer);  //column scanning
  PORTD = (1 << PORTD3);
  PORTD = (0 << PORTD3);

  //digitalWrite(latchPin ,HIGH);
  //digitalWrite(latchPin , LOW ); // STORECLOCK

  if (++displayPointer == 2)  //4 because there are two digits, each need 2x8 bits
  { displayPointer = 0;
  } // 32 LED row sections in total
  TIFR2 = 0; // Clear timer 2 interrupt flag

void setcolumn(int col)  //loop that takes care of column scanning
  signed char pos;
  for (pos = 16; pos > -1; pos--) //was pos=32, but again, only 4 columns now so pos=4
  if (col == pos)
  PORTD = (0 << PORTD2);  //digitalWrite(dataPin ,HIGH);  //swapping these reversed unlit-lit digits
  PORTD = (1 << PORTD2);  //digitalWrite(dataPin ,LOW);
  digitalWrite(clockPin , HIGH);
  digitalWrite(clockPin , LOW);

void setdata(int dat) {
  int pos;
  for (pos = 0; pos < 16; pos++)
  if (dat &  32768)  //these dat were 128, but changed them to 16 as 16=128/8
  dat -= 32768;
  PORTD = (1 << PORTD2);  //digitalWrite(dataPin ,HIGH);  //swapping these caused whole screen to be reversed for lit-unlit segments
  PORTD = (0 << PORTD2);  //digitalWrite(dataPin ,LOW);} // PIN1 DATA pin
  dat = dat * 2;
  digitalWrite(clockPin , HIGH);
  digitalWrite(clockPin , LOW);

void clr() //clear
  int addr;
  for (addr = 0; addr < 2; addr++)  // Empty display buffer, reduced from 32 to 4
  backbuffer[addr] = 0;

void Blit()  //transfers data between display buffer to screen buffer
  int addr = 0;
  noInterrupts();  // disable all interrupts during setup
  for (addr = 0; addr < 2; addr ++)  //here also changed 32 to 4
  buffer1[addr] = backbuffer[addr];  // put all data from display buffer to screen buffer
  interrupts();  // enable all interrupts

void pixel(signed char x, signed char y, int cond)
  int pix, msk;
  if (x < 0 || y < 0) return;  // outside drawing limits negative
  if (x > 1 || y > 15) return;  // outside drawing limits positive
  pix = power[y];
  msk = backbuffer[x];  // get exsisting data
  if (cond == 2)
  pix ^= msk;  // XOR data to screen
  if (cond == 1)
  pix = ~pix;
  pix &= msk;  // AND data to screen
  if (cond == 0)
  pix |= msk;  // OR data to screen
  backbuffer[x] = pix;  // apply changes

void charput(int ch, signed char x, signed char y)
  signed char  y1;
  int disp;
  int disp2;

  disp = font[ch]; //look data from fontmap,
  for (y1 = 15; y1 > 0; y1--)  // eight pixels
  disp2 = disp & power[y1];
  if (disp2 > 0)
  pixel(x , y + y1, 0); // OR the pixel to the display buffer


void strput(const char* ch, signed char x, signed char y)
  int addr;
  while (*ch )
  charput(*ch++, x, y);  // write a string to the display buffer
  x += 1;

void setup() //setup runs once

  noInterrupts();  // disable all interrupts during setup
  DDRD = DDRD | B11111100;  //port registers used to set pin directions
  TCCR1A = 0;
  TCCR1B = 0;
  TCNT1 = 0;
  OCR1A = 260;  // compare match register value, was 31 for matrix (1920hz= 60hzx*32) but for now there's only 4 columns so: 4*60hz=240hz; 16mhz/256/240=260
  TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);  // CTC mode, free-running, clear on match
  TCCR1B |= (0 << CS10);  // 256 prescaler
  TCCR1B |= (0 << CS11);  // 256 prescaler
  TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12);  // 256 prescaler
  TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);  // enable timer compare interrupt
  interrupts();  // enable all interrupts

} // End main

void loop() //just sitting here
  for (int i = 3; i > -30; i--)
  strput("HACKLAB__MIKKELI", i, 0);
Youtube didn't like me for uploading, gotta figure out that later but here's video from my FB, should work, it's public:


  • FontMap14Segment.h
    4.7 KB · Views: 381
Only when trying to place more than 2 digits and using strput, or shifting x-position, doesn't work as intended, characters overlap. Odd.
check it out, found an arduino debugger that plugs in to my visual studio, using atmel studio!!
way better then the default arduino compiler, and worth the purchase price!!! also has 30day free trial...
thought i should mention since debuggers helps alot when trying to find these little problems.... also hence the lack of response as i can only guess the problem
Thanks mate, I'll try it! :)
Doggy, problem was putting too big values for arrays, tested wtih 128 matrises (1024 columns....) and text is readable, should get bigger display to see how it really behaves. Oh, and refresh rate is also bit off, and using teensy now.
Found also that if one increases size of matrix, string can't be huge then....
Aha, found the bug when I had to increase column sizes, this line caused malfuntions:
  int pos;
  for (pos = columns; pos > -1; pos--)
I made tweak to code that complier takes care of calculating array sizes etc, and column integer is part of that (columns=matrises*8)
But, I mitstakenly placed UNSIGNED char (values from 0-255) and this caused crash since singed char is too small and unsigned won't accept negative numbers, so had to place int instead.
With pro mini, 22 matrises can be controlled, then ISR will be too fast for CPU speed (to prevent flicker, also RAM gets low, 75% used with 22 matrises). It's unclear for me how prescaler affect, only that bigger prescale=slower speed for ISR, if interval is kept same?

Of course, to counter RAM, I could use FLASH, but it's complicated for me to use it....
Last edited:
yah , just part of the fun, these little things happen all the time, in fact i recently just ran in to a problem where the size of a double changed across programming platforms, which made it tricky for decoding serial terminals.

prescaler takes the clock frequency and divides it , so each tick takes longer.... plus there is OCR1A (i think its that one) which counts how many ticks from the "prescaled clock" before the interrupt is flagged

75% is lots! i noticed the fontmap took alot of space too, some of the things I would do is cut back on global variables if we can, trim fontmap & others of unused variables (not the best idea though for fontmap), if you still have lots of program memory available.. another trick i had was to change the fontmap for example to if statements(similar to a trick of using goto, if and more flag variables when i ran out of stack space)....
one time i was shown here how to convert program space to variable space using pointers, although it worked for my code i never understood it enough to be able to learn from, not too sure about other tricks or whats best, but im sure someone else will....
Any bit towards perfect code is welcome :) fontmap took about half of ram IIRC....1008 bytes!
Hey Fezd,
I found the code to put your fontmap in to program memory instead of sram, as mentioned earlier:

const unsigned char sample[] PROGMEM = {1,2,3,4};

adding this part will free the memory : PROGMEM
you also need to ensure that the variable is const
Thanks doggy! Say, you wouldn't have any idea how to approach 8x8x8 cube? I have one right here, only needs code....."only" lol :D
If you want to join, I have it hooked up as I hooked matrix, in a way; 9 registers total daisy chained, last in line commands layers, and first 8 columns and rows of each layer. I wonder should I design 2d-matrix for this?
is definitely similar to other matrix we have been using,

is it mono color?
and how is it wired, anodes/cathodes?
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