Some newb questions + making a mini stroboscope

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Your circuit is missing the DC to AC converter. A boost switching supply would be applicable, but why not get modern and use a bright LED instead of the xenon tube?
I thought the inverter transformer converts DC to AC (at least that's what it says on the product page, click the link).
Russlk said:
Your circuit is missing the DC to AC converter. A boost switching supply would be applicable, but why not get modern and use a bright LED instead of the xenon tube?

Probably because a xenon tube is a million times brighter?.

I don't think an LED flashing in a night club would give much of an effect, or assuming it's for a timing light it's still much, much brighter using a tube.
I think the inverter transformer is meant to be used with an actual inverter. By itself, it will not produce any AC.

Also, you need a rectifier before C1; otherwise C1 will short your transformer secondary.

Finally, you need some way to trigger the pulse transformer. Simply adding a capacitor across the primary of T2 will not help. You actually have to add a circuit which will periodically discharge C2 into T2 primary to get the high voltage to trigger the Xenon tube.

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