Sound Weapon

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Hi, i need to make a directional sound weapon
i've read about them all over, used in ships
some cops had handheld versions

can you guys help me by suggesting frequencies and speakers / amps capable of such sound
as well as how i can go about directing the sound

its not like they're physically damaging the people

let me rephrase my goal - a directional noisier/louder siren
Clyd3 said:

its not like they're physically damaging the people

let me rephrase my goal - a directional noisier/louder siren

So perferated eardrum's and nosebleeds dont count anymore as physical damage?
Can you provide a reference that states that this weapon was actually used in New Orleans? There is no doubt that it was there, but I could find nothing that said it was used.
Ron H said:
Can you provide a reference that states that this weapon was actually used in New Orleans? There is no doubt that it was there, but I could find nothing that said it was used.

nope - that last statement is unsubstantiated speculation ... I just jumped to conclusions after seeing the picture of a guy in fatigues standing in a military looking humvee with his hand on the sonic weapon, outside the Superdome, in New Orleans.
If it had actually been used, we would still be hearing about it.
whether its been used or not is irrelevant to me

can u guys give me tips on how to make sound very directional
or at least directional in some way

i'm working on finding a nice set of frequencies and speakers which wont blow too quickly
Clyd3 said:
whether its been used or not is irrelevant to me

can u guys give me tips on how to make sound very directional
or at least directional in some way

i'm working on finding a nice set of frequencies and speakers which wont blow too quickly

Most speakers are directional, horn speakers would probably be more so than most?.

I'm still of the opinion though that such devices are more speculation than actual fact! - although a GREAT deal of military research has been done on the subject.

What has just been mentioned recently in the UK is a device to stop groups of youths collecting in particular spots (outside a shop for example). The idea is a high frequency tone which older people won't be able to hear, but will cause the youths to go elsewhere!.

This strikes me as about as practical as any other sound weapon!.
They exist; Long Range Acoustic Device, or LRAD and were used on a cruise ship to repel pirates recently.

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I was amazed when I saw it on CNN originally.


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yeah they do exist.. I recall reading a documentary (years ago) about military experimentation with them way back in the 1940's. The experiments were real. The results however, are controversial (but then again almost anything you read could be) I don't have any details or links but I recall that they used very low frequencies such as 0.1Hz to 10Hz. At low power levels they could induce extreme nausea in the target person. At higher levels they could shake apart brick walls and rupture internal organs (resulting in death) And I think I remember reading about a horn shaped device for directional control!
Yes they Exist. The Real Problem is Making the Transducer that will be Very Specific for the Intended Frequency and Power.

Quite a few Years ago, the UK had a HIGH POWERED, Low Frequency device that was mounted on a truck for riot control.
I Believe it operated at about 16 Hz and caused Bowel disfunction, Considerably Disabling the intended persons.

Have you ever seen Mythbusters? - they tested this myth, and found no truth in it.

As a UK resident I've NEVER heard of such a device being used for riot control in the UK.
I just skimmed over this, but **broken link removed** seems like it is relevant to this thread.
Wow, thats a good find Ron

I like this one:

High-frequency, non-diffracting (i.e., non-penetrating) acoustic bullet creates plasma in front of target (effect Blunt-object trauma

plasma - as in ionized gas ... from sound waves? neat
I saw something on TV about those sometime in the last couple years. It was basically a short, fat pulse jet (like the ones people build for R/C airplanes).
8) infrasound hmm go to the free information society on the net you will find the free circuit schematics to biuld these
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