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Sorry, I think I got it. its in KILOMETERS, I was doing it for METERS

Should it be calculated for DIAMETER or CIRCUMFERENCE of the wheel??
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Sputnik said:
Sorry, I think I got it. its in KILOMETERS, I was doing it for METERS

Should it be calculated for DIAMETER or CIRCUMFERENCE of the wheel??

In your case.

22in wheel diameter = 69.1152in circunference (2*PI*R)

69.1152in = 0.001755526Km

0.001755526Km * 3600 = 6,3198936


In the example above the number 4 multiple by counter period (250 or 1/4 of seconds)

You have to multiple by 3600 because you have Km/sec and you want Km/h
Kiko said:
In your case.

22in wheel diameter = 69.1152in circunference (2*PI*R)

69.1152in = 0.001755526Km

0.001755526Km * 3600 = 6,3198936


In the example above the number 4 multiple by counter period (250 or 1/4 of seconds)

You have to multiple by 3600 because you have Km/sec and you want Km/h

OK, thanks!! Im not very good at this conversion stuff.

What I want to do is be able to select a wheel diameter from a menu (storing everything in variables) and do all the conversion on-the-fly.

I have this as of now does it look correct to you, (wheel diameter of 25 for example)

WheelDiam = 25
        WheelCirc = 2 * 3.14 * WheelDiam / 2
        Wheelkilo = WheelCirc * 2.54e-5 
        WheelConv = WheelKilo * 3600

Here is my complete program. it will display a bargraph representing speed as well as the numeric representation. It also displays the time from a DS1302 RTC. It all works perfectly in Proteus, I just need to make sure I have the conversion stuff correct so it is accurate.

 Device 16F877
    Declare XTAL 20

    Declare LCD_TYPE 0
    Declare LCD_DTPIN PORTd.4
    Declare LCD_ENPIN PORTd.3
    Declare LCD_RSPIN PORTd.2
    Declare LCD_INTERFACE 4
    Declare LCD_LINES 2
    ' Speedo Variables **
    Dim KMH As Float
    DIM MPH AS Float
    dim dmph as Byte
    Dim Temp_Float As Float
    Dim KMHT As DWord
    Dim KMH_Last As DWord
    DIM WheelDiam as Float
    Dim WheelConv as Float
    dim WheelCirc as Float
    Dim WheelKilo as Float
    ' Bargraph Variables **
    Dim	Bar_Val	As	Byte				' Value to be graphed. 
    Dim	Bars	As	Byte				' Number of full ||| bars to draw.
    Dim	Balance	As	Byte				' Balance left after all |||s are drawn.
    Dim	Padding	As	Byte				' Number of spaces to fill width.
    Dim	Balf	As	Byte				' Is a 'Balance' character needed? (1=yes, 0=no).
    Dim Temp 	As	Byte
    ' Bargraph Constants **
    Symbol	B_Wdth	=	32					' Max width in characters of bar.
    Symbol	Maxbar	=	B_Wdth * 3			' Max bar counts. 
    Symbol  Fullbar	=	3					' ASCII value of ||| bar. 
    Symbol	Basebar	=	0					' ASCII value of 0 bar (blank).
    Symbol	I	    =	254
    Symbol	Cgram	=	64
    ' Duplicate Bargraph variable definitions
    Dim	B_Cnt	As 	Bars			' Counter (0-15) for EEPROM/bit pat load. 
    Dim	B_Row	As	Balance			' Row of bit pattern. 
    Dim	B_Chr	As 	Padding			' Bit pattern read from EEPROM. 

    ' Alias RTC pins
    Dim    RST     as     PORTA.2
    Dim    IO      as     PORTC.1
    Dim    SCLK    as     PORTC.3
    ' RTC variables
    Dim    rtcyear as     byte
    Dim    rtcday  as     byte
    Dim    rtcmonth as    byte
    Dim    rtcdate as     byte
    Dim    rtchr   as     byte
    Dim    rtcmin  as     byte
    Dim    rtcsec  as     byte
    Dim    rtccontrol as  byte
    dim    BTNVAR1 as byte

    DelayMS 500
    	Print I,Cgram					' Point to character-generator RAM. 
    	For B_Cnt = 0 to 3 
      		Lookupl B_Cnt,[0,%10000,%10100,%10101],B_Chr ' Get the bit pattern.  
    		Print 0
      		For B_Row = 1 to 6
        		Print B_Chr				' Write the pattern to LCD CG RAM. 
      		Next						' Next row
    		Print 0
    	Next							' Next Character pattern
        Low RST         ' Reset RTC
        Low SCLK

        ADCON1 = 7      ' PORTA and E digital
        Low PORTE.2     ' LCD R/W low = write
        ' Set initial time to 8:00:00AM 07/16/99
        rtcyear = $07
        rtcday = $06
        rtcmonth = $07
        rtcdate = $16
        rtchr = $11
        rtcmin = $16
        rtcsec = $56
        Gosub settime   ' Set the time
        TRISC.0 = 1
WheelDiam = 25

      Print at 1,4, "SuperSpeed"
      Print at 2,2, "By: Eric Flynn"
      Delayms 1000
    Print At 2,4, "MPh"
    KMHT = 0
        WheelCirc = 2 * 3.14 * WheelDiam / 2
        Wheelkilo = WheelCirc * 2.54e-5 
        WheelConv = WheelKilo * 3600
        Gosub gettime   ' Read the time from the RTC
        KMHT = Counter PORTC.0, 250
    	If KMHT = 0 Then Goto Display	
    	Temp_Float = KMHT
    	Temp_Float = (Temp_Float * 4) * WheelConv
            KMH =  Temp_Float / 1000
    	KMHT = KMH
        If porta.1 = 1 then
        Goto SetupWheel
    '	If KMH_Last <> KMHT Then              
    '       Print At 1, 1, DEC1 KMHT * 0.6213712 
    '	    KMH_Last = KMHT
    '	EndIf
        mph=KMHT * 0.6213712
        if dmph<10 then
            Print At 2, 2, " "
            Print At 2, 1, " "
            Print At 2, 3, DEC dmph
        if dmph<100 and dmph>=10 then
            Print At 2, 1, " "
            Print At 2, 2, DEC dmph
            if dmph>=100 then
            PRINT AT 2, 1, DEC dmph
          	Bars = (dmph min MaxBar) / 6			' One full bar for each 6 graph units.					
            Balance = (dmph min Maxbar) //3		' Balance is the remainder after a division by 3.		 
            Balf = Balance min 1			
          	Padding = B_Wdth - (Bars + Balf)		' Number of spaces to fill bar width.
        Print At 1, 1, Rep Fullbar\Bars,Rep (Balance + Basebar)\Balf,Rep " " \Padding
        Print At 2, 12, hex2 rtchr, ":", hex2 rtcmin   ', ":", hex2 rtcsec
    GoTo Start
'write time to RTC
        RST = 1         ' Ready for transfer

        ' Enable write
        shout IO, SCLK, LSBFIRST, [$8e, 0]

        RST = 0         ' Reset RTC

        RST = 1         ' Ready for transfer

        ' Write all 8 RTC registers in burst mode
        shout IO, SCLK, LSBFIRST, [$be, rtcsec, rtcmin, rtchr, rtcdate, rtcmonth, rtcday, rtcyear, 0]

        RST = 0         ' Reset RTC

'read time from RTC
        RST = 1         ' Ready for transfer

        shout IO, SCLK, LSBFIRST, [$bf]      ' Read all 8 RTC registers in burst mode
        shin IO, SCLK, LSBPRE, [rtcsec, rtcmin, rtchr, rtcdate, rtcmonth, rtcday, rtcyear, rtccontrol]

        RST = 0         ' Reset RTC

      Print at 1,1, "Wheel Diam."
          If porta.4 = 1 then
          delayms 100       
          INc Wheeldiam
          If porta.5 = 1 then
          delayms 100       
          Dec Wheeldiam
          Print at 2,1, dec1 WheelDiam
      until porta.3 = 1
     Goto StartSpeed
Sputnik said:
OK, thanks!! Im not very good at this conversion stuff.

What I want to do is be able to select a wheel diameter from a menu (storing everything in variables) and do all the conversion on-the-fly.

I have this as of now does it look correct to you, (wheel diameter of 25 for example)

WheelDiam = 25
        WheelCirc = 2 * 3.14 * WheelDiam / 2
        Wheelkilo = WheelCirc * 2.54e-5 
        WheelConv = WheelKilo * 3600

Here is my complete program. it will display a bargraph representing speed as well as the numeric representation. It also displays the time from a DS1302 RTC. It all works perfectly in Proteus, I just need to make sure I have the conversion stuff correct so it is accurate.

 Device 16F877
    Declare XTAL 20

    Declare LCD_TYPE 0
    Declare LCD_DTPIN PORTd.4
    Declare LCD_ENPIN PORTd.3
    Declare LCD_RSPIN PORTd.2
    Declare LCD_INTERFACE 4
    Declare LCD_LINES 2
    ' Speedo Variables **
    Dim KMH As Float
    DIM MPH AS Float
    dim dmph as Byte
    Dim Temp_Float As Float
    Dim KMHT As DWord
    Dim KMH_Last As DWord
    DIM WheelDiam as Float
    Dim WheelConv as Float
    dim WheelCirc as Float
    Dim WheelKilo as Float
    ' Bargraph Variables **
    Dim	Bar_Val	As	Byte				' Value to be graphed. 
    Dim	Bars	As	Byte				' Number of full ||| bars to draw.
    Dim	Balance	As	Byte				' Balance left after all |||s are drawn.
    Dim	Padding	As	Byte				' Number of spaces to fill width.
    Dim	Balf	As	Byte				' Is a 'Balance' character needed? (1=yes, 0=no).
    Dim Temp 	As	Byte
    ' Bargraph Constants **
    Symbol	B_Wdth	=	32					' Max width in characters of bar.
    Symbol	Maxbar	=	B_Wdth * 3			' Max bar counts. 
    Symbol  Fullbar	=	3					' ASCII value of ||| bar. 
    Symbol	Basebar	=	0					' ASCII value of 0 bar (blank).
    Symbol	I	    =	254
    Symbol	Cgram	=	64
    ' Duplicate Bargraph variable definitions
    Dim	B_Cnt	As 	Bars			' Counter (0-15) for EEPROM/bit pat load. 
    Dim	B_Row	As	Balance			' Row of bit pattern. 
    Dim	B_Chr	As 	Padding			' Bit pattern read from EEPROM. 

    ' Alias RTC pins
    Dim    RST     as     PORTA.2
    Dim    IO      as     PORTC.1
    Dim    SCLK    as     PORTC.3
    ' RTC variables
    Dim    rtcyear as     byte
    Dim    rtcday  as     byte
    Dim    rtcmonth as    byte
    Dim    rtcdate as     byte
    Dim    rtchr   as     byte
    Dim    rtcmin  as     byte
    Dim    rtcsec  as     byte
    Dim    rtccontrol as  byte
    dim    BTNVAR1 as byte

    DelayMS 500
    	Print I,Cgram					' Point to character-generator RAM. 
    	For B_Cnt = 0 to 3 
      		Lookupl B_Cnt,[0,%10000,%10100,%10101],B_Chr ' Get the bit pattern.  
    		Print 0
      		For B_Row = 1 to 6
        		Print B_Chr				' Write the pattern to LCD CG RAM. 
      		Next						' Next row
    		Print 0
    	Next							' Next Character pattern
        Low RST         ' Reset RTC
        Low SCLK

        ADCON1 = 7      ' PORTA and E digital
        Low PORTE.2     ' LCD R/W low = write
        ' Set initial time to 8:00:00AM 07/16/99
        rtcyear = $07
        rtcday = $06
        rtcmonth = $07
        rtcdate = $16
        rtchr = $11
        rtcmin = $16
        rtcsec = $56
        Gosub settime   ' Set the time
        TRISC.0 = 1
WheelDiam = 25

      Print at 1,4, "SuperSpeed"
      Print at 2,2, "By: Eric Flynn"
      Delayms 1000
    Print At 2,4, "MPh"
    KMHT = 0
        WheelCirc = 2 * 3.14 * WheelDiam / 2
        Wheelkilo = WheelCirc * 2.54e-5 
        WheelConv = WheelKilo * 3600
        Gosub gettime   ' Read the time from the RTC
        KMHT = Counter PORTC.0, 250
    	If KMHT = 0 Then Goto Display	
    	Temp_Float = KMHT
    	Temp_Float = (Temp_Float * 4) * WheelConv
            KMH =  Temp_Float / 1000
    	KMHT = KMH
        If porta.1 = 1 then
        Goto SetupWheel
    '	If KMH_Last <> KMHT Then              
    '       Print At 1, 1, DEC1 KMHT * 0.6213712 
    '	    KMH_Last = KMHT
    '	EndIf
        mph=KMHT * 0.6213712
        if dmph<10 then
            Print At 2, 2, " "
            Print At 2, 1, " "
            Print At 2, 3, DEC dmph
        if dmph<100 and dmph>=10 then
            Print At 2, 1, " "
            Print At 2, 2, DEC dmph
            if dmph>=100 then
            PRINT AT 2, 1, DEC dmph
          	Bars = (dmph min MaxBar) / 6			' One full bar for each 6 graph units.					
            Balance = (dmph min Maxbar) //3		' Balance is the remainder after a division by 3.		 
            Balf = Balance min 1			
          	Padding = B_Wdth - (Bars + Balf)		' Number of spaces to fill bar width.
        Print At 1, 1, Rep Fullbar\Bars,Rep (Balance + Basebar)\Balf,Rep " " \Padding
        Print At 2, 12, hex2 rtchr, ":", hex2 rtcmin   ', ":", hex2 rtcsec
    GoTo Start
'write time to RTC
        RST = 1         ' Ready for transfer

        ' Enable write
        shout IO, SCLK, LSBFIRST, [$8e, 0]

        RST = 0         ' Reset RTC

        RST = 1         ' Ready for transfer

        ' Write all 8 RTC registers in burst mode
        shout IO, SCLK, LSBFIRST, [$be, rtcsec, rtcmin, rtchr, rtcdate, rtcmonth, rtcday, rtcyear, 0]

        RST = 0         ' Reset RTC

'read time from RTC
        RST = 1         ' Ready for transfer

        shout IO, SCLK, LSBFIRST, [$bf]      ' Read all 8 RTC registers in burst mode
        shin IO, SCLK, LSBPRE, [rtcsec, rtcmin, rtchr, rtcdate, rtcmonth, rtcday, rtcyear, rtccontrol]

        RST = 0         ' Reset RTC

      Print at 1,1, "Wheel Diam."
          If porta.4 = 1 then
          delayms 100       
          INc Wheeldiam
          If porta.5 = 1 then
          delayms 100       
          Dec Wheeldiam
          Print at 2,1, dec1 WheelDiam
      until porta.3 = 1
     Goto StartSpeed

The conversion is correct... I'm doing another version of my project using a graphic LCD, so it can show a graphbar like yours and I'll post it very soon.
Awesome, I wanted to use a Graphic LCD and use some cool graphics but im not very hip on how to use a GLCD for advanced graphics, just the simple charachter type usage and simple pixel plotting.

I am also integrating a turn signal stop light system into this for use with LED tail lights. I may also integrate sort of an ECU using a pic as a co-processor.

The turn/stop system has been done for a while, just need to integrate it all!!

This way I can have a complete bike computer!!! I may even implement GPS.

Its nice to have someone else who is working on the same thing, we can share ideas!!!

Sputnik said:
Awesome, I wanted to use a Graphic LCD and use some cool graphics but im not very hip on how to use a GLCD for advanced graphics, just the simple charachter type usage and simple pixel plotting.

I am also integrating a turn signal stop light system into this for use with LED tail lights. I may also integrate sort of an ECU using a pic as a co-processor.

The turn/stop system has been done for a while, just need to integrate it all!!

This way I can have a complete bike computer!!! I may even implement GPS.

Its nice to have someone else who is working on the same thing, we can share ideas!!!


The project using GLCD is very simple for a while. It just shows speed, RPM e gear position, so I didn't post it yet because I'm having some problems with my GLCD pinout... And I have to learning about everything, because I'm not either an enginner and programmer. So, if you want to make some nice icons to use on GLCD try to use the LCDICONMAKER, it's a nice and easy program to deal with as well as FASTLCD to make some cool graphics. They are all freeware and small programs so I can send it to your e-mail if you want.
help on speedometer and RPM etc

Hi guys

I am begineer to automotive field...
I am intrested to know what is the kind of signal we get from speed sensors,RPM sensors,gear position sensors?
Are they common with all the automobiles? is there any standard for the same
please let me know any good informative website of the same!!

What is the ECU? which i often here in thread? is the place from where all the sensor signals come out :).any useful site to understand automative electronics? please help me on this
Thanks in advance
Girish.krishnaiah said:
Hi guys

I am begineer to automotive field...
I am intrested to know what is the kind of signal we get from speed sensors,RPM sensors,gear position sensors?
Are they common with all the automobiles? is there any standard for the same
please let me know any good informative website of the same!!

What is the ECU? which i often here in thread? is the place from where all the sensor signals come out :).any useful site to understand automative electronics? please help me on this
Thanks in advance

Hi Kris,

Do a google search and you will find a lot of information on those subjects.

Kiko said:
The project using GLCD is very simple for a while. It just shows speed, RPM e gear position, so I didn't post it yet because I'm having some problems with my GLCD pinout... And I have to learning about everything, because I'm not either an enginner and programmer. So, if you want to make some nice icons to use on GLCD try to use the LCDICONMAKER, it's a nice and easy program to deal with as well as FASTLCD to make some cool graphics. They are all freeware and small programs so I can send it to your e-mail if you want.

Hey Kiko, what compiler are you using for your GLCD routines, and what type of PIC programmer do you have?
gramo said:
Hey Kiko, what compiler are you using for your GLCD routines, and what type of PIC programmer do you have?

I use a McFlash (Picstart plus) programmer, see **broken link removed**

My compiler is Proton+.
Doh, I wish I coulda told you about the PICKit 2, its only $34.95 from microchip!

Owell, so your using Proton, you have a programmer that can handle 18F PIC's and you look like your getting the grip of things, perhaps your delve into GLCD's might be a bit easier when I put up my Swordfish examples for bitmaps/font's with GLCD's.

Its 'similar' to Proton, but lets you go about things in a modular way. Proton is a very flat 'top down' type of programming, you'll see in a week or two, I'll keep you posted
gramo said:
Doh, I wish I coulda told you about the PICKit 2, its only $34.95 from microchip!

Owell, so your using Proton, you have a programmer that can handle 18F PIC's and you look like your getting the grip of things, perhaps your delve into GLCD's might be a bit easier when I put up my Swordfish examples for bitmaps/font's with GLCD's.

Its 'similar' to Proton, but lets you go about things in a modular way. Proton is a very flat 'top down' type of programming, you'll see in a week or two, I'll keep you posted


For those of you who wants to play with GLCD and do a speedometer, this is my code with schematic for my Suzuki Bike. I'm having problem to find a good GLCD down here in Brazil, I bought one but it needs a negative power supply for the contrast.

I'll be glad to see your SF codes Gramo. Thank you


  • bikegeargraph.JPG
    51.7 KB · Views: 739
  • graph.txt
    15.6 KB · Views: 661
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gramo said:
Usally the -Vout Pin on the GLCD is for contrast, your's doesn't have one? Also known as Vee

It does have a -vout pin but for contrast I need to build an external negative power supply for it.

1- GND
2- VCC
4 - D/I
5 - R/W
6 - E (ENABLE)
7 - DO
8 - D1
9 - D2
10 - D3
11 - D4
12 - D5
13 - D6
14 - D7
15 - CS1
16 - CS2
17 - RST (RESET)
18 - NC
19 - BACK LIGHT (-)
20 - BACK LIGHT (+)

For contrast, I need do put a trimpot and use a -12V negative feed.

Eg: -12v ------------------[POT]--------------------- + 5v

Central pin from pot goes to LCD Vout (pin 3). That's what the vendor said and I can't find a datasheet for it.
Hey Kiko, I cannot find the LCDICONMAKER program anywhere can you email it to me? here: misc AT

You should know what to do with the email addy!!

I have made some progress on the whole project, I will post some stuff soon!!

Attached is a program to make icon for your GLCD.


    152.6 KB · Views: 452
Hey Kiko, I tried your code and schematic in ISIS and I cannot get it to display properly!! The splash screen doesnt not show, and when it starts to show the actually working screen it is just a jumble in the lower right corner!!!

What are your LCD settings in ISIS?
Sputnik said:
Hey Kiko, I tried your code and schematic in ISIS and I cannot get it to display properly!! The splash screen doesnt not show, and when it starts to show the actually working screen it is just a jumble in the lower right corner!!!

What are your LCD settings in ISIS?

Set LCD clock frequency to 20mhz.

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