Your BOM cost for a sub 1W DC-DC seem way too high. What knid of volume are you talking about?
$6 seems high? This is with the cheapest parts I could find with digikey. This is priced with only buying one item per part so this is not volume pricing. The most expensive part is the pwm (obviously) which has two outputs so I can get +/-3.3V rails. I plan on using the TL1454A which has a unit cost of $2.43. The rest of the $6 are passives.
Yes it does seem overkill to power 8 opamps and would rather use linear regulators. I'm not sure how to model the usage model of the opamps as far as load imbalance but I don't think it would be greater than 20mA. This is for a video processing and driving application.
I looked into just DC biasing the opamps so I can only use one rail but believe it or not the part count for that solution doubles and the price of doing that is actually more than just building a dual rail solution since you have to use large caps in between opamp stages for video applications. Plus quality suffers (line droop) if you don't use proper clamping. Basically a single rail solution for video processing is messy IMHO.
Also, building a this give me a template to expand on in the future.