Steam engine V Steam Turbine

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I am getting hold of a slightly more battered one of these
**broken link removed**

What i figure is cut the intake the to the piston on it (the outlet from he boiler) and plumb that into your boiler that should use the relief valve on that engine then for pressure, then take a outlet from your boiler or maybe the other pipe from the piston in this old wreck to your engine.

Get some bearings made (the housings) and make a couple of fly wheels. then use that piston in the pic for 'other things', that should tell us what we need to know about Ians idea . Also saves getting your boiler fitted with a pressure valve.

Found out you can get seals to pre load the relief valve, this takes the boiler pressure upto 30-35 psi depending which you use, the boiler is rated 60 psi, i think 30 psi is ample

When you've start imagining that smiley faces mean the opposite of what they stand for that's your cognitive dissonance based imaginations getting the better of you.

If in your mind smiley faces start having to mean the opposite of what they do (to justify your beliefs) that's cognitive dissonance playing it part in your mind to self justify something that's not really there.

(Now you throw it back at me and proclaim I am the one with it since that's rather how it works when you have it. Also claim 'projectionism' on my part over it too, cause that always a 'winning move'.)

Now play that back to me in another typical drawn out 'I know you are but what am I?' type reply while claiming you came up with the idea and observation first just as you have done multiple times regarding link information I posted to you first.

Beyond that and given the fact you seem to have to continually resort to dragging things into the realm of unfounded and unsubstantiated personal projectionsitc attacks and accusations (that's the stuff I try to ignore for lack of topical relevance, not your data) that pretty much says your not holding your own nearly as well as you claim to be nor that I am not holding mine better than you claim.

BTW, I could care less what others think or who says what in PM's. They and you are free to think and draw conclusions for yourselves on whatever topics you chose to discus and I respect that. It's your business not mine. However, the fact that you think that validates something to the point you need to bring it up as if it matter just raises more questions that don't serve your formal debate abilities and credibility well. (<-- Meant as a smiley face but since you think smiley faces mean the opposite now.....)

When you proudly go personal and or while having to imagine and proclaim common well understood concepts, words and objects to be the opposite of they they stand for just to claim a win, you lose.
Not saying who but a wise person contacted me, they gave me some advice and a saying,

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.

Actually they are spot on, so i think i am done talking with you.
Now whats the betting your engine is a different size . Finally discovered those were kits the one you got!! Well impressed you built it. At least now i dont have to worry about build quality lol
Thaks for the pm cowboy, i didnt consider weight and post, cant wait to see the engine, found so little online about them, but everything i did find said they got serious power for the size. Your comment on the little mamod boiler frightens me lol, Ok so we are talking alot of steam but not much pressure, I think i might have a go at making a boiler. But lower the pressure valve to cut in at 15 psi, still go via the mamod engine boiler for safety.

I can water pressure test a boiler i make easy enough with water and a compressor. Brass tube and two end caps.
Just as point of interest something not being mentioned here abt natural gas production is He content! So generally He content >= 0.35% (by volume) makes production profitable and anything >= 1% totally eclipses value of fuel components! Now o/c I'm talking just abt 4He (and theoretically 3He) cuz t(1/2) of all unstable isotopes are way too short for practical consideration (so for example ranging from like 8E-22s [5He] through 800ms [6He]).

So point of post is just to say sometimes non-petroleum _contaminants_ can have greater monetary value than petrochemical products!

So I'm qualifying _monetary_ value cuz for example Au costs more than (even trendily bottled) H2O but we all know which is more important to ppl and all life as we know it! So by same token hydrocarbons are way more important to civilization and basic quality of life than earth-bound He! So it's basically what the market will bear and all that!
Mainly because the topic is about bio methane being used to power Turbines or steam engines. Helium isnt involved in anywhere, it did get a bit off topic by natural gas being brought into the picture. Not all natural gas deposits have helium or enough helium to use the enormous amount of energy needed to separate it.

The other main reason it wasnt mentioned was purely because the discussion was more focused on the purity or otherwise of natural gas V Bio methane, as well as which produced the most energy when used etc. Again helium dosnt really fit into this.

As the topic was about Bio reactors etc and the use of the gas to make steam, there was little point mentioning Helium. Once it got derailed somewhat and TCM started on about natural gas, then we were discussing the gases in the form they arrive at ready for use.

But just as a side note on Helium in natural gas deposits, i for one am all in favor of its recovery, however as natural gas is a somewhat finite resource (fossil fuel natural gas), more and more Methane is being produced from renewable sources, unfortunately there is no Helium bonus but the non reliance on fossil fuels more than compensates for this IMHO.
Just so everyone knows, this thread was closed due to the fact that it has devolved into nothing more than bickering back and forth. Everyone needs to know when to quit. State your claims and a source and drop it. Leave it to the community to do their own research and determine who's right and who's wrong.
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