Just as point of interest something not being mentioned here abt natural gas production is He content! So generally He content >= 0.35% (by volume) makes production profitable and anything >= 1% totally eclipses value of fuel components! Now o/c I'm talking just abt 4He (and theoretically 3He) cuz t(1/2) of all unstable isotopes are way too short for practical consideration (so for example ranging from like 8E-22s [5He] through 800ms [6He]).
So point of post is just to say sometimes non-petroleum _contaminants_ can have greater
monetary value than petrochemical products!
So I'm qualifying _monetary_ value cuz for example Au costs more than (even trendily bottled
) H2O but we all know which is more important to ppl and all life as we know it! So by same token hydrocarbons are way more important to civilization and basic quality of life than
earth-bound He! So it's basically what the market will bear and all that