Swich Mode Power Supply 220Vac to 9-12Vdc 1A

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Hi, I would like to build a switch mode power supply like phone chargers. Any voltage from 9 to 12 will do but must be at least have 1A. I've seen a schematic but the voltage doesn't meet my requirements and also there are no values or names for some of the components. The frequency for AC line is 60Hz. I attached the schematic below.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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Given the prolific amounts of such devices which can be had almost for the asking....everyone has assorted chargers from older phones, this must be a learning/teaching project of some sort. Old PC atx supplies deliver the 12VDC at many amps...

Here a tut:
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Hi thanks for the reading material Mosaic but I just can't build a project like this from scratch. It looks like it would take me more than two weeks to understand this thing. I hope you could recommend me a material a lot simpler than that one you've posted.


Hi thanks for the reading material Mosaic but I just can't build a project like this from scratch.

So then what is it you want to do ?

It looks like it would take me more than two weeks to understand this thing. I hope you could recommend me a material a lot simpler than that one you've posted.

Switching power supplies are not simple, It would take a professional longer than 2 weeks to design one.
Switching power supplies are not simple, It would take a professional longer than 2 weeks to design one.
Funny, I did just that for many years..... but after reading some of the posts I keep seeing on these forums, I thought I must have been doing it the hard way since most people think it's a five minute job.

It's not.
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