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  • Welcome to our site! Electro Tech is an online community (with over 170,000 members) who enjoy talking about and building electronic circuits, projects and gadgets. To participate you need to register. Registration is free. Click here to register now.

taillight sequencer ?????

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boolagoosh said:
sorry for my latency. I did not intend for the leds to shut off in reverse order, but it would be cool if it was easy.
heyy, you see kinjalp, i was right when i say boolagoosh doesn't want for reverse effect.

anyway, as i said previosly i ( as Newbie ) have modified the circuit to obtain the reverse effect also.

but since i don't have too much time i haven't wired it totaly ( i.e IC 555, 4047 and 4017 ) and since i'm too bussy i didn't explain how the circuits works.

just for the theory explanation i show only 6 led but it can be increased up to 10 with only 1 IC 4017 if more wanted, diagram wire must be altered again.

i will explain how the circuit works later on..

then may be we can find if any mistake done.

Phasor let us see your design then we learn how it could be done with gates

i will be glad if someone comment for my design


  • tailingsequencer.jpg
    34.3 KB · Views: 906
Have a think about this method...

There is a chip available which drives an LED bargraph display and varies the amound of LED's lit in accordance with a voltage at a pin. The idea is to produce a bargraph voltage monitor.
To modify this for Sarac's requirements, a rising voltage source would have to be found, and a charging capacitor (RC) would suit us perfectly.
Outupts would be wired to produce the sequence required.
I know I saw this in the Maplin ( catalogue, but I cannot find it now.

I may have a look tonight and see..
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