I posted this before realising there was a Page 2 to this thread...
Run the simulation. Go into the schematic window and hold down the ALT key. Hover over the component of interest. You should find the Arrow logo has changed to a thermometer. Probe the component. This will plot the instantaneous power dissipation of that component. In the plot window, zoom into the area of interest (in the case of a power supply it is where the circuit has reached steady state). In the plot window, hold down the ALT key again and click on the plot icon. Up will pop a window showing the power dissipation of the component, averaged over that time interval. The measurement in the pop up window is the important bit - how many Watts the component is dissipating, averaged over that time interval.
LTspice will only tell you Watts of power dissipation. it will not tell you how hot the part gets. Go to the datasheet and get the Theta JA rating of the part (typically anywhere from 40 to 150 degC/W). This will give you a rough (OK very rough) guide as to how much the temperature of the part will rise as a result of the power dissipation.
Now, this is temperature *rise*, so a power dissipation of, say, 1W and a Theta JA of 50 degC/W will imply the part will rise to 50 degC ABOVE AMBIENT. If your ambient is 25 degC, the part will run at 75 degC. if your ambient is 100degC, your part will rise to 150 degC.
This is only an approximation. it depends on board layout, number of layers and what heat the surrounding components are dissipating. In fact Theta JA is so theoretical as to be almost useless in working out how hot a part gets, but the above outlines the theory.
Now for the Bramble test... wire up the circuit and power it up. If you can keep your finger on the top of the component for about 0.2 seconds, this is about 50 degC. Longer and the temperature is lower. it is difficult to keep your finger on a part that is 50 degC for more than a fraction of a second. If it hisses, it is probably above 100 degC as the moisture in your finger is boiling