The CY8CKIT-059 Prototyping Kit is a low-cost platform that enables customer to design products using PSoC 5LP device family.
Ignore the stock numbers, I think there are some around. Even check ebay.
If you wind up having a problem contact local Cypress/Infineon Area sales
manager, or FAE, or Rep.
There is also a more complete board (much more I/O) -
Browse DigiKey's inventory of PSoC 5LP Evaluation Board CY8CKIT-050BMCU. Features, Specifications, Alternative Product, Product Training Modules, and Datasheets are all available.
And this -
This is the FreeSoC2 Development Board, SparkFun’s take on the PSoC5LP ARM Cortex.
But the 059 board is really quite useful for many designs, and low cost.
Semi industry in a mess these days with leadtimes.
There are some boards on ebay, the 050 and 059. Caution the 050 board had a
rev on cpu, still usable w/o rev, but better off if you get correct board. CPU on
the board should not have ES1 or ES2 in its part number designation.
I believe all the 059 boards have the correct part on them.
Lastly remember on 059 you actually get two 5LP parts, one used for interface and debug,
the other the target. When done with project you snap off programmer 059 and can use
that, although its I/O severely limited. And no debug. Using it with a bootloader. You can,
at any time, reload the firmware into it to function as a programmer/debug if needed.
Regards, Dana