I was wittering away in this thread https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/mplabx-and-code-configurator.147074/#post-1249666
I mentioned my sound and light project etc etc and had a brain wave! So to explain fully........................
Two things everyone and the dog knows at the moment are I am doing exams and want to mess with sound and light for a fun project. Also I erm 'home school' for some lessons like Art and PE, I had to take Art because the timetable I chose left a gap and it was the lesser of available evils. I cant draw or paint and I am certainly more Autistic than Artistic! So I didnt do my Art exam, in fact the only time I enter the Art block is to liberate some fine wet and dry paper for tech class.
Now technically I have to resit my Art exam in a few weeks time, I had decided to just not turn up again as i will be dropping the subject next year. While writing in the above thread and mentioning that I didnt have a clue what I was going to do but all I knew was I wanted to do a sound and light project (I have mentioned it a couple of times). Well Bingo....... I read the art exam brief for the practical and it says the following.
"Using a media of your choice express or interpret a stimulus in an artistic manner"
Well to be honest i didnt really get the question let alone have an answer! From what I have heard from some in my group they have been told things like, "Take something that does or could cause a stimulus (the example given was pain) and paint a picture that depicts that pain"
It wasnt the only example given but you get the drift, so it suddenly occurred to me I might actually be able to do the exam praticle and get a decent grade!! That would be so funny its worth it just to see the teachers face lol.
So see what you think of this light bulb moment from the other thread.
Some years ago I posted about buying a Chinese lazer off ebay, after searching around I became convinced what I had brought as a 1mW laser was in fact around 5mW, I had also got some special mirrors from an old over head projector, these are designed for lasers but are a funny shape.
I didnt do anything with the laser or mirrors in the end, but now I am thinking kill two birds one stone.
So the idea is to play music from say the laptop, but before the signal gets to the amplified speakers I could tap into the signal with opamps and use the signals with some band pass filters. Then I could use some servos and old pc fans to move some old CD's stuck onto the fan hubs, I dont have the skill or nerve to cut the mirrors I have so I am thinking use CD's instead to reflect the laser.
So in essence a sound to light laser show, to me this fits the brief (if I squint a bit) and means I have a sound and light project to do
. I can take precautions with the laser and make sure it points at the wall etc when marked. With a bit of luck I could get the laser to write a message on the wall before the music starts and then the 'user' can use buttons and pots to alter the filters etc and get different effects, i will also have some presets done.
So what do you think? Rather than use a mic I am thinking of using the headphone out and sampling the signal via opamp before it goes into some speakers i have that fit into the head phone jack. I think if I do it right and choose some good music it might be pretty cool, I have no idea when the resit is (havnt bothered looking) but i know its before end of march. I have the laser still (I think) and have loads of pc fans I can mount on servos, then stick the non shiny side of the cd to the spinning fan hub. If the fans are standing up and I use two servos per fan and 3-5 fans, i should be able to get some good effects with filters and a micro or two, I could just use the PI for the sound side and then use a some adjustable filters and a couple of pics to alter the spinning rate and control the servos etc.
To me that would be an Artistic interpretation of music (a stimulus) using light (my media)
. Would also be really interesting to do, first thing I guess is to get a free copy of some software to look at the spectrum of a few songs, from there work out what filter ranges i need. Ideas comments?
the best bit is this [project I can document live over the next few weeks while I build it :d, dosnt matter if I fail the exam but would be cool to pass after going to 2 lessons all year
I mentioned my sound and light project etc etc and had a brain wave! So to explain fully........................
Two things everyone and the dog knows at the moment are I am doing exams and want to mess with sound and light for a fun project. Also I erm 'home school' for some lessons like Art and PE, I had to take Art because the timetable I chose left a gap and it was the lesser of available evils. I cant draw or paint and I am certainly more Autistic than Artistic! So I didnt do my Art exam, in fact the only time I enter the Art block is to liberate some fine wet and dry paper for tech class.
Now technically I have to resit my Art exam in a few weeks time, I had decided to just not turn up again as i will be dropping the subject next year. While writing in the above thread and mentioning that I didnt have a clue what I was going to do but all I knew was I wanted to do a sound and light project (I have mentioned it a couple of times). Well Bingo....... I read the art exam brief for the practical and it says the following.
"Using a media of your choice express or interpret a stimulus in an artistic manner"
Well to be honest i didnt really get the question let alone have an answer! From what I have heard from some in my group they have been told things like, "Take something that does or could cause a stimulus (the example given was pain) and paint a picture that depicts that pain"
It wasnt the only example given but you get the drift, so it suddenly occurred to me I might actually be able to do the exam praticle and get a decent grade!! That would be so funny its worth it just to see the teachers face lol.
So see what you think of this light bulb moment from the other thread.
Some years ago I posted about buying a Chinese lazer off ebay, after searching around I became convinced what I had brought as a 1mW laser was in fact around 5mW, I had also got some special mirrors from an old over head projector, these are designed for lasers but are a funny shape.
I didnt do anything with the laser or mirrors in the end, but now I am thinking kill two birds one stone.
So the idea is to play music from say the laptop, but before the signal gets to the amplified speakers I could tap into the signal with opamps and use the signals with some band pass filters. Then I could use some servos and old pc fans to move some old CD's stuck onto the fan hubs, I dont have the skill or nerve to cut the mirrors I have so I am thinking use CD's instead to reflect the laser.
So in essence a sound to light laser show, to me this fits the brief (if I squint a bit) and means I have a sound and light project to do
So what do you think? Rather than use a mic I am thinking of using the headphone out and sampling the signal via opamp before it goes into some speakers i have that fit into the head phone jack. I think if I do it right and choose some good music it might be pretty cool, I have no idea when the resit is (havnt bothered looking) but i know its before end of march. I have the laser still (I think) and have loads of pc fans I can mount on servos, then stick the non shiny side of the cd to the spinning fan hub. If the fans are standing up and I use two servos per fan and 3-5 fans, i should be able to get some good effects with filters and a micro or two, I could just use the PI for the sound side and then use a some adjustable filters and a couple of pics to alter the spinning rate and control the servos etc.
To me that would be an Artistic interpretation of music (a stimulus) using light (my media)
the best bit is this [project I can document live over the next few weeks while I build it :d, dosnt matter if I fail the exam but would be cool to pass after going to 2 lessons all year