Timed fades circuit for stage lighting desk

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New Member
I’m building a stage lighting desk for an amateur dramatics group and need a timed fade-up and timed fade-down circuit to achieve the following:
-adjustable timed fade up from 0 to 10v over 0 to 10 minutes, initiated by rapid fade up of a slider pot
-adjustable timed fade down from 10 to 0v over 0 to 10 minutes, initiated by rapid fade down of a slider pot

Can anyone help please?
This circuit should work. When the slider is at the center, the time is very long, it may be dificult to determing a setting for 10 minutes. zero to 10 minutes is an infinite ratio, so that is not possible. The minimum time is about 50 milliseconds.


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Timed fader


Many thanks for the circuit. I will email separately futher comments.

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