TRaffic lights project

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Hello its my first project , would your please advise me or help me . i would thank you !
Traffic light system
Design a digital logic circuit for a traffic light system. You are free to choose the
traffic light arrangements and operations. An example of traffic light system is shown
at a two dual-carriage roads meet at a T junction, as shown in Figure 1. Three traffic
lights (E, W and S) placed at this junction are to be set up and controlled by a digital
logic system.


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Lol i can not use that ! i need counters , 555 timer , and its 3 traffic lights A B C in T junction , i should just use logic design .
Lol i can not use that ! i need counters , 555 timer , and its 3 traffic lights A B C in T junction , i should just use logic design .
I think the link I provided explanes how to meet your requierments for your assignment to a "T" no pon intended.
Did you read it?
You are free to choose the
traffic light arrangements and operations.
So you could use a "T" or an "X" right?
In the lesson I linked to it clearly shows you need a clock. You could use a 555 timer right?
yes .
its my arrangement for A B C
A B C Sequence
G R R 0
G R R 1
G R R 2
Y R R 3
R G R 4
R G R 5
R Y R 6
R R G 7
R R G 8
R R Y 9
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also i use one monostable 555 timer T = 1.1 × R1 × C1 and one decode IC 4017 . so as you see i have got everything , so might you help me . i need to use 6 BJT , which all collector is +9 v . and emitter is my LEDS , can you help me with simulation ?
Perhaps I'm missing something, but as far as I can see, you have 9 LEDs therefore you need 9 BJT to drive them.

If so, then you can do the logic either with OR gates or with diode gates.

BTW the 4017 counts from 0 to 9, not 1 to 10.

0 is the first digit of all numbering systems.

The 4017 may not necessarily be the best counter for this job. A binary counter may be better. See my post#22 in this thread.
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Thank you for your information , it was very good and helpful . can you give me one simulation for that ?
Thank you for your information , it was very good and helpful . can you give me one simulation for that ?

You're welcome.

I do my designs on paper, not by simulation.

I have drawn the A case for you. See if you can do the B & C cases.

When you have done it, please post your circuit so we can advise you.

Note that I saved some components by using a NOR gate to drive the Red LED.

The logic is if the Green & Yellow LEDs are off, then the Red one needs to be ON.

I have replaced the circuit with a marginally better one.

The changes are in red.


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man i dont understand that , why u write
0 3
1 2
2 4
in the counter , what is 3 , 2 , 4?
Did you look at the data sheet of the 4017?

0 is output 0 which is connected to pin 3 of the IC.

1 is output 1 which is connected to pin 2, etc.

See page 2 of the attachment.


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ok i made this simulatin , but in run it has some problem
1 ) green and red trun one together
2) C last traffic light Green and yellow blinking and red one wont turn one
3) when theone trafic light is green others are not red !
would you help me


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Here is a circuit:
This circuit produces traffic lights for a "4-way" intersection. The seemingly complex wiring to illuminate the lights is shown to be very simple.
**broken link removed**
That is interesting but confusing.

1. It does not agree with his table at posts #9 or #18. There are too many greens in your diagram

2. The 4017 outputs are labled Q0 ~ Q9 but your output numbers are labled 1 ~ 10.

3. He has 3 columns in his table, but your output diagram has only 2 rows.

Please elaborate.
The circuit Colin posted is from the web and is for a four way stop light. The OP is trying to make a 3 way stop light.
would you all stop copy from other website . my question is very clear . ( i have seen all web sites )
i need T junction traffic light . ( A B C)
when one is green or yellow others be Red .
10 sequences .
G R R 0
G R R 1
G R R 2
Y R R 3
R G R 4
R G R 5
R Y R 6
R R G 7
R R G 8
R R Y 9
SO BETTER YOU KNOW ,that i know what i want and what is going one ! just please if u know how to design the 3 Led with Counter that give me those result , give me your opinian .
Thank You
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