Trying to find datasheet for this triac

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Well-Known Member
The numbers are 68169 top of chip and C5 bottom of chip and the trade mark looks like a T


  • GEDC0338.JPG
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I could not find an exact reference sheet for you but I have that exact one in my parts bin. I think mine came from a lamp dimmer so its probibly in the 6 to 12 amp 200 to 400 volt range.
But I am openly just guessing based on what I think mine came from.
I may not be of apsolute 100% positive on my triac asumption either. Stuff does seem to jet gumped from one bin to another from time to time. I just went by part number and what bin I found it in. I still could be way off too.
Ever put a poorly labeled transistor in a dual diode circuit because it was in the wrong bin and the multimeter double check said it checked out as a dual diode?
Test it!
I'm sure it can be tested like a diode.
An SCR will read in only one direction and a Triac will read both.
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