Well, I'm back. I've spent quite a while with this on the breadboard with an actual lm358
and I'm lost. I haven't done enough with op-amps to figure out why this is always on. So I'm wondering if you can look at this one more time to confirm that it should work, please! I can tell you that the base and emitter of the bc337 always have just over 2 volts on them both. I've checked my connections over and over again.
I've gotten the other circuits to work but, I have noticed something on the 2 circuits that I got to work and they work like VOX circuits and that isn't good for me because the audio only stays on for a short period and if the voice isn't loud enough they cut off. I was hoping for a circuit that would come on and stayed on then there was any voltage/current sent to the audio jack, caused by the open squelch. Knowing what I know now, I'm just going to try using a simple transistor as a switch circuit.