The tensile strength of diecast aluminum is around 4700 to 6000 psi, so that shouldn't be a problem. And the fatigue strength of a standard M4 screw is about 13000psi (multiplied times 4 bolts!), so that's not a problem either. Even if it did blow, the small volume of pressurized air inside it wouldn't send parts of shrapnel very far at all, or with any significant velocity.An interesting solution, but square boxes don't make very good pressure vessels.
Consider the second box:
Outside dimensions 130 x 80mm
Assume a wall thickness of 5 mm
Inside dimensions 125 x 75mm
Convert to good old imperial measurements
Inside dimensions 5 x 3 inches
Inside area of lid is 15 sq inches.
Pump it up to 30psi to simulate the tyre pressure
Force trying to separate lid from box is 450 pounds.
Box is made from diecast aluminium, a material not known for its elastic properties.
Please don't pressurise this thing near me.