up/down counter

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New Member
hi everyone!

im required to do a project, but im now stuck on a particular problem. hope u guys can help. thx.

Im doin a moving car transit. it will move and pass through 6 bridges. im done with the circuit for detecting the bridges, the display of the counter(counts the number of bridge it has passed),the circuit for the motor and the voltage regulator.

im stuck on how to design a Counter Limiting Circuit that is able to enable, integrate the above circuits and move the car forward to any Station, reverse automatically and stop after hitting an emergency switch (micro switch) in the forward and reverse direction.

an example of how it should works : ( im specified to go through 6 bridges)

the transit will move pass 6 bridges, and the counter will start with 0, and 1 when it passes one bridge and so on... and it will end at 6, meaning after the 6th bridge. Then, it will move back and pass through the bridge again but this time counting from 6 back to 0 and everything will repeat again.(meaning it will keep goin back and forth)

So does any of u guys around know how to do it?

Look at the CD40110B, get the datasheet from Datasheet Archive - Free Datasheet Search Engine :: PDF Datasheets :: Data Sheet :: Datasheet :: Application Note : ??? : ??? : ???? : ????? : ??????? : Fiche technique : Datenblatt : ????????

Its a BCD Up/down counter with 7segment LED driver. OK.?


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ha! seems i have been doing the same thing as urs. check out my post. i might help u.
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Hi, im also actually doing something very similar...we are given a few circuits to work it out 1st and then we need to combined those circuits with our own design. We are given the "Light Dependent Sensor Circuit", "Motion Control Circuit" and the "Counter and Display Circuit".

If any of you guys out there knows how to do it or found out how to do it, pls share...thks..
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