An alternative (single chip) -
Of course the LCD and sensors external, but above interfaces (with associated API controls)
onchip. Fan controller onchip has PID capability.
If you need more than 4 ADC inputs just a click/config to add more to mux. Also if needed amps there
are OpAmps, Comparators, PGA onchip, all routable, just as the digital is internally routable. Resolution
of ADC eliminates fixes like zener scale expansion.
USB in case you want to do bootloader updates, Vref for A/D onboard, +/- .1%
IDE (PSOC Creator) and Compiler free. Very rare you have to write any drivers, each onchip
resource has a library of API f() calls. Substantial portions of designs, some all, can be done w/o
any coding, use of DMA and onchip logic and LUTs you can create state machines with.
Other onchip resources -
Regards, Dana.