Urgent! Help needed in a research assignment...

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Hello Everybody,
I have been assigned an task in an research by my Industrial Psychology Lecturer. Task is to get the form (attached ) filled by any Engineer currently working in any organization. And in only one day for that & 5 forms to be filled by 5 engineers (Thats where the actual problem) .. So i need your help here. I would request you guys if any of you is an engineer and working in an organization, then please do me a favour and take part in the research.
Form is in the attachment in word document file. In the First page Personal Information is asked and in the second page there are 20 Question are asked and choices are as SD=Strongly, D=Disagree, N=Nuetral, A=Agree, SA=Strongly Agree. You can simply give me all the info either by posting here or email me : tariquesaleem7868@gmail.com . Also just give answer as according to numbering of the question in symbols ( eg. Q03 - Ans= SD) ..
Thanks A Lot...


  • Research.doc
    2 MB · Views: 161
  • demographic sheet pg1.JPG
    78.3 KB · Views: 322
  • demographic sheet pg 2.JPG
    196.1 KB · Views: 255
  • demographic sheet pg 3.JPG
    108.4 KB · Views: 179
You are eligible for taking part in the research EVEN if you are not currently working as Engineer but worked in the past...In that case just relate your Designation and Org.'s name as the one you worked for... Thanks again..
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