I have a DS-1302 RTC module but how to use it?
I recall Jon Chandler made a vu meter clock but what he used for timing?
Am planning on a clock that has no hands, just LEDs but precision would be nice.
Suggest you print out your corrected correction and the schematic from post #247 and use a highlighter to compare each and every trace.
The schematic you've shown will not work. I saw that in 5 seconds through blurry sleep-filled eyes. You're COPYING a simple schematic – it shouldn't be that difficult.
For the record ... the only time I have had to pay any tariff is when I had the boards populated with components. When I have just ordered bare boards and I populate them myself, I have not had to pay any tariff.
That said... MrDEB, you have spent way more on non functional boards than any tariff that would be applied.
Is it me or does MrDEB have a similar vibe to a variant of ChatGPT that you are trying to explain something that is very specific and mid way through your explanations half of the previous set of rules have been forgotten?
MrDEB if you simplify your schematic, you might not make so many mistakes. Aim for maximum clarity. In this schematic, the I/O connections are clear, the PU vs PD positions are clear and the LED connections are easy to see without a needless crossing of lines.
Also, your tactile switch symbol can be simplified for clarity. Yes, 6x6 tactile switches have 4 pins, but there are only 2 connections to the switch.
Try to clarify your thinking and your schematics; you have plenty of scrap boards already!
Maybe it's just me, but it seems like if you watch the instructional videos and read the datasheet you could save yourself a whole lot of time, trouble, and money vs making a board to see how a 595 shift register works.
If you can't figure it out from those I doubt the pcb operation will make much sense either.
There used to be an online '595:simulator animation where you could click the buttons and see the results. It made it simple to understand its operation. Sadly, any links to it I can find are dead; it has disappeared.
While waiting for circuit boards I am planning on my Christmas 2025 project using lots of 74hc595
Cleaned up clarity.
Not sure about pin 13 (OE) to just ground it or maybe utilize it for some twinkle on the snowflake.
Still sorting things out. pin 13 should be grounded all the time BUT maybe for adding some twinkle to project?
As soon as I get my PCBs I plan on experimenting and hopefully learn how to write code to control as desired
Compare your schematic from #269 to your latest schematic in #192. What's different? Spell it out here in complete coherent sentences. Or don't.
Clock, Christmas tree or a giant flashing middle finger – the shift register concept is exactly the same. If you don't get it, stop wasting money and the time of those who have futility tried to help you. You may notice that number is dangerously close to ZERO.
You are beyond clueless despite being directed to the pertinent posts.
Here is my LAST AND FINAL attempt to get you to understand. The entire string of '595 chips is connected to the micro with FOUR AND ONLY FOUR port pins.
I tried this 10 (or more) years (I wrongly typed tears, which may be more pertinent) ago and have since given up completely. You have the patience of a saint.
No, I'm the patron saint of Lost Causes. Or an idiot for not knowing when to give up. I'm pretty sure it's the latter.
It's very rewarding when you take the effort to help somebody, and you see they've learned something and can expand on it. That's not the case here. Not at all.