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Well-Known Member
Some PICs have 2x VDD and VSS PINs.

Is it ok to connect sets of PINs using a TRACK under the PIC instead of an individual external TRACK.

Yes!!! That's how I do it.. AND!! the trace moves on and powers other devices as well..
It's fine, just make sure you have adequate decoupling as close as possible to the PIC.
If anything, that can be more important to avoid problems.

Also, keeping power and ground close together under each IC helps reduce inductance so lowers noise more.
The important thing is that ALL power and ground pins be connected. They are not optional.
I think he's been rather pessimistic, obviously you need something more on a 50W power amplifier, but for a processor you're be hard pushed to need something larger nearer the chip.
It is poorly worded. I think the author is just saying don't omit the seemingly vanishing, tiny capacitors.

Myself, I was talking about the number of tiny capacitors per power pin.
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