Virtual ground simulation

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Well-Known Member
This sim works with other op amps I have tried (only 2 or 3 others), but TL072 gets it all wrong, at least using the model that I have.
Has anyone else seen this?


  • virtual ground.asc
    898 bytes · Views: 392
  • virtual ground.PNG
    18.5 KB · Views: 875
This sim works with other op amps I have tried (only 2 or 3 others), but TL072 gets it all wrong, at least using the model that I have.
Has anyone else seen this?

hi Ron,
My model suffix is .301 from YLTS.
I got exactly the same result values as you did.

The only work around I could find, is the 'COM' symbol on the 072 output.



  • AAesp01.gif
    26.3 KB · Views: 622
  • virtual ground2.asc
    1.1 KB · Views: 375
Last edited:
Hi Eric,
SgtWookie on AAC found that TI had used GND (node 0) in their models. He changed them to the vee node, and all was well.
I believe SgtWookie also posts here, but under a different name.

Are you there, Wookie?
Ahhh... I had never heard it called that.

Sorry Ron, I guess the txtspeak virus has infected my brain.

Did you get any further with a solution.? I think SgtWookie is aka on ETO as SgtWook
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